17. Double Date (Daveed x Reader)

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"I can't believe you're finally going on a double date with me and Anthony!" Jazzy said while waiting for the mascara on her eye lashes to dry before another coat.

"You've said that about a million times! It's not that big of a deal." I reply slightly laughing at her.

She was in the middle of another coat suddenly stopping to look at me,"It is a big deal! You and Daveed have been together for like 6 months! It's about time!"

"I guess you're right. It's about seven they should be here soon." I tell her brushing my hair one last time.

"Well you look fabulous." Jazzy says to me finally putting the mascara away,"Now for some finishing touches."

I smile at her as she gets out the lip stick. We both pick colors a little bit different than what we usually wear since tonight is such a special night according to Jasmine.

"Hey Y/N?" she asks putting on lipstick in the mirror.


"Did Daveed ever tell you where they're taking us?"

I pause putting on lip stick to think,"Nope."

As if on cue the doorbell rings. We both just looked at each other not knowing how this night would end. After opening the door Anthony leads both of us to the car.

"Hey baby." Daveed says as I get in the car after Jasmine. He lightly pecks me on the lips as Anthony laughs at us.

"Could you both hold off on that till later?" He laughs as we all get our seat belts on.

"Fine." I huff and we make our way to wherever they were taking Jazz and I.

"Just wait till you see where we're going." Daveed said smirking slightly.

"You'll love it." Anthony added.

In about 5 minutes we saw our destination. It was a beautiful bright carnival off the coast.

"Is that it?!" I exclaim.

"Sure is!" Daveed replies laugh. Jazz and I are still in awe of what those two dorks planned.

We find a parking spot and all walk up to the administration. The boys paid being the gentlemen they are and then got food.

"What would you both like to do after this?" Anthony questions as we're all stuffing our face with carnival food. Why is this so much better than normal food?

"Definitely no rides. I'd rather keep my food in my stomach." I say and Daveed starts laugh almost spitting out his drink.

"Well maybe I could go and win you something." He says.

"Doubt you have the skill." I say causing Jazz and Anthony to snicker.

"Excuse me but have you seen my guns?!" Daveed says showing off his muscles.

"More than a few times." I nonchalantly say,"But do you have the accuracy?"

"Well I guess we'll have to see." He pouts yet somehow still having a slight smirk.

"We'll catch up with you guys later." I laugh as Daveed drags me to a booth. One attempt goes by and he fails. After I laugh at him he just glares towards me which I stick my tongue out back.

"Second one is going to win it." He says. Surely enough he did getting a fluffy teddy bear.

"Now I'm not sure I should give you this because of your doubt of my skills. But I guess since I love you I'll let it slide." He says smiling then kissing me on the lips handing me the teddy bear.

"I love you too." I say,"Now let's go find Anthony and Jasmine."

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