3. Wow (John Laurens x Reader)

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Another day with John working with Hamilton on papers to end slavery.

"Alright, I gotta go Laurens." Alexander says picking up some paperwork and walking to the door.

"I'll have the paper done by tomorrow!" John yells out as Alex closes the door nodding to show he heard him.

John looks back down at the paper work and begins to write furiously. It's so hot when he does that. Especially when he gets really into it and bites his lip. His hand moves so quickly and here is where the biting begins. 


"Huh?" John looks up raising his eyebrows.

"Did I just say that out loud?" I ask slightly embarrassed.

"I think so." He smiled and looked at me with an odd facial expression.

"I'm sorry." I look down in my lap. Then wait for a reply, but there is none. Two hands grab my face and bring me in for what seemed to be the best minute of my life. After he pulls away from the kiss I was lost for words. "Wow." is all I could manage.

John sits back down at the desk and smiles shyly then bites his lip again.

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