12. Starting To Settle Down (Hamilton x Reader)

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Today was the day. The day you would tell everyone about your recent engagement to Alexander Hamilton. Yes the Alexander Hamilton.

You are dressed in a beautiful dress as you and Alex go to the place you had told the hamilsquad to go. You see Laurens, Lafayette, Mulligan, The Schuyler Sisters, even General Washington and his wife there. Alex pulls out a chair for you to sit while you both say your hellos.

As the night goes on more looks pass between you and Alexander. Soon you're both mouthing each other to tell everyone.

"What's going on over there?" Angelica asks looking puzzled. Everyone looks at the both of you. Alexander stands up and clears his voice.

"Y/N and I have some news." he fumbles with words a bit before finally saying it, "We're engaged."

Everyone's mouths drop and then Laurens starts to clap. "Finally! This boy is finally starting to settle down!" John says then makes a toast.

After the toast the rest of the night was more rounds of drinks and congratulations from everyone. You couldn't be happier this night. General Washington even gave you a hug and the whole look on his face read pride for Alexander. 

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