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Stiles is sitting in his room trying to complete his complicated math homework, but his mind is elsewhere. For weeks — no — months now, Stiles has had Scott McCall on his mind. Yes, you heard that right. Stiles, the nobody, has the biggest crush on the super popular and handsome lacrosse captain, Scott McCall. There's only two problems though. One: Stiles is almost 100% certain that Scott is straight. He does have a girlfriend, after all. Stiles sees the two of them making out in the corridors almost every day. Stiles always hurries past, hiding his red face. Two: Scott doesn't know that Stiles exists. They may share one or two classes with each other, but they've never had an actual conversation together. Stiles has always been too scared. Besides, why would someone as popular and well liked as Scott hang out with the lonely, gay, ADHD freak, like Stiles? His best friends Malia and Isaac always nag him to talk to Scott, as it's so clear that he has a crush on him. Not that those two have any better luck when it comes to love. They are just as invisible in this world as Stiles. That's one of the reasons why they became friends.

Stiles sighs as he flips over another page in his text book. He hates math. Not as much as Malia, but still, he hates it. However, he knows it's important, so he tries his best, just as he does in every class. Stiles is very smart, but he'll never brag about it. He's the second smartest in his grade, beaten by the one and only Lydia Martin, who just happens to be the most popular girl in school. She's dating Jackson Whittemore, one of the lacrosse players. Stiles should know, since Jackson bullies him almost every day. Jackson likes to strike up casual conversation while he beats Stiles to a pulp, which is disgusting in Stiles' eyes. He knows that the way Jackson and the other lacrosse players treat him isn't right, but Stiles doesn't want to cause any more trouble for himself, so he just stays quiet. He manages to cover the bruises, black eyes and cuts well. He has only come home with a broken and bleeding nose once. Stiles just told his dad that he tripped over his shoelace and fell face first into the sidewalk. His dad didn't doubt Stiles' explanation at all. Stiles is really prone to clumsiness and it does seem like something he would do. Suddenly, his phone dings loudly, signalling that Stiles has a message. Stiles jumps a little, not expecting the noise. He frowns in confusion and starts getting out his phone. Who would be texting him now? Malia is out with her dad and Isaac's phone is broken. He's getting a new one next week, apparently. No one else that would possibly text Stiles comes to Stiles' mind. Out of sheer curiosity, the pale teenager finds the new message.

???: Hey babe. You want to meet at my place in 20 minutes? My mom is on a late shift tonight ;)

Stiles: What?! Who the hell are you?

???: Shit, sorry, I must have the wrong number!

???: Yeah, I was one number off. I'm so sorry. The message was supposed to go to my girlfriend. She got a new phone. I must have accidentally pressed the '7' instead of the '8'. Once again, I'm really sorry.

Stiles: Uh, it's fine, I guess?

???: Haha, good. Otherwise this would be totally awkward.

Stiles: This IS totally awkward.

???: It doesn't have to be awkward.

Stiles: Yeah, but only if you stop texting me. This is just getting long and dragged out, making it even more awkward. Shouldn't you be texting your girlfriend right now?

???: I did text my girlfriend, haha. I'm a quick typer. Besides, you can stop messaging me too. You didn't even have to reply to my first message. You could have blocked me.

Stiles: I... Well... I guess I wanted to know who the hell is this stranger sending me a suggestive text.

???: I stumped you, didn't I?

Stiles: ...Ugh! Fine, maybe you did. Maybe I want to be distracted from this shitty math homework I got.

???: Wait, you go to school? I guess that's good, since it means that I'm not talking to a 70 year old or something XD.

Stiles: Yeah, I'm in high school. Since you basically said you're living with your mom, I'm guessing you're in high school too?

???: You got me :P

Stiles: I still don't know who you are, dude. Wait, are you a dude? Or a girl?

???: Haha, yes, I'm a dude. My name is Scott McCall, by the way :)

Stiles' heart skips a beat and his eyes widen at the last message. He almost drops the phone. He can't believe it. Scott McCall, the guy he has hopelessly fallen for, is actually texting him, Stiles Stilinski! Stiles forgets how to breathe for a few seconds, his heart beat increasing off the scale. After a few more seconds, Stiles hears his phone ding again, which cues Stiles to breathe again, but he's still in a state of shock. Stiles blinks rapidly before looking down at his phone.

???: So, who are you then? I want to know the person that I am happy to have stumbled across purely on accident :)

Stiles stares at the message for a few moments, trying to keep himself calm. He doesn't want to set off a panic attack, especially for as something as simple as this. Scott actually wants to know who he is? He's happy that he accidentally messaged Stiles and he still wants to talk to him? Stiles' phone dings again, pulling Stiles out of his wandering thoughts.

???: Hello? Are you still there?

Before Stiles answers Scott's message, he decides to save Scott's number to his phone and create a contact for him, even if it is unlikely that they'll ever talk again.

Stiles: Yeah, I'm here. Sorry about the wait, Scott. Impatient little thing you are, aren't you? :P

Stiles: My name is Stiles.

Scott: Never heard of that name before. Are you a boy or a girl, if you don't mind me asking?

Stiles: Boy. Also, 'Stiles' is a nickname, it's not my actual name. I doubt you could pronounce my actual name, especially since I can't pronounce it for you first, since we're only texting.

Scott: Well, it's nice to meet you, Stiles. Maybe one day you can tell me your real name. I now have taken it on as a personal challenge to pronounce your real name right the first time, whatever the name may be.

Stiles: Haha, even I couldn't pronounce it when I was little, so good luck. If I ever do tell you my real name. There might not be any point in telling you my name if we're not going to talk again though :P

Scott: I want to talk to you again. There's something different about you, I can tell, even over the mere few text messages that we have shared tonight. Do you still want to talk to me?

Stiles: Yeah, definitely. I think this could be the start of a new friendship.

Scott: Well, that's a new one for me. I don't think I've ever met a friend over an accidental text before XD

Stiles: There's a first time for everything :)

Scott: I've got to go now, my girlfriend will be here soon, so I need to make sure that the place is looking nice. I also want to make myself look presentable.

Stiles: Haha, okay. Goodnight then.

Scott: Goodnight :)

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