Chapter 31

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All words in italics  are being spoke in Ukrainian. I just wanted to make it easier and better to understand. Continue with the story you beautiful fothermockers--

"Why is it so cold in here?" I asked as I rolled over, hitting Denis' chest. "Well, it might be the fact that you have hardly any clothes on and the blanket is on the floor," He said, his voice groggy from just waking up.

I opened my eyes and looked at us. "How much do you love me?" "What do you need?" "Can you grab the blanket?" I asked, pulling off the best puppy dog eyes I could. He sighed then got off the bed.

He grabbed it then threw it on my, plopping back down and pulling it over us. I cuddled into him as he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you," I said as I kissed his chest. "I love you too baby," He mumbled into my hair, kissing my forehead.

After laying in bed for a while, Denis decided we needed to get up.

"Come on babe, you have to get up," He said as he tried taking the blanket. "Nooooooooo. I don't wanna," I said as I held the blanket, not letting him take it. "We have to go see my parents , now get up you dobe."

I groaned then rolled off the bed, taking the blanket with me. I got up the walked over to the closet, chucking the blanket back onto the bed. Arms wrapped around my waist as I pulled out a dress.

"Can I get dressed? I thought we had to go meet your parents," I said with a smug look as I turned around in his arms. "I'll go make coffee," he said as she pressed a quick kiss onto my forehead.

As he walked away, I slapped his butt. "At least put on boxers," I said as I threw a pair out the door. He walked by and flipped me off. "What? I don't think everyone wants to see your white girl butt!"

After getting ready, we finally made our way to his parents house. "Denis! Lucie? Is that you?" "Hey m-DENIS!" As the two woman hugged Denis, a little boy ran over to Lucie. "Are you Lucie?"

"I am, and you must be Denis' little brother. Your name is Josh, right?"  I said as I got down on his level. He nodded his head and smiled at me. "When Denis was visiting last time, all he did was talk about you," The little boy said as he looked at my hair.

"Josh, how about you go get your father,"  The older woman said as she smiled at Lucie. As she stood up, Denis wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Can we gather everyone in the living room?"

Denis' mom nodded and Denis lead me to the living room, sitting next to me on the couch. "Well, we have something we want to tell you guys," Denis said as he grabbed my hand, rubbing it with his thumb.

"Well, go on with it." "We are going to get married," Denis said as he held up my hand, showing off the ring. "Are you serious?!?! Oh my god! Can I help plan? Go with you when you p-"

"Lacy! Calm down. I imagine Lucie wants to plan everything with her friends and Denis. Now sit back down." We chuckled as the teenager sat down and pouted, mumbling insults. "Do you need to go sit in your room?" "No ma'am."

I laughed at the girl. "My friends plan on coming to the Ukraine so we can dress shop here. I'm sure  they wouldn't mind if you come along," I said, a smile on my face.

The little girl danced and smiled as we hugged then the girl danced off to her room. Everyone had laughed as Denis smiled at his fiance.

"You didn't have to do that sweetheart." "I know, but I feel like it will be fun. I'll just bring her back home before we have our girls night." Denis' mom thanked me. "So, when do you plan on having the wedding?"

"Uh, we haven't really planned anything quite yet. We just got back from vacation and we both have a huge tour coming up soon so we both are going to be extremely busy. I guess we should probably do some planning," Denis said as he looked at me, a smile on his face.

After chatting with the family, we decided we would go home and order dinner. "What do you want?" "You," Denis said as he wrapped his arms around me. "Denis, no. What do you want for dinner?"

He sighed then let go. "Umm, how about pizza?" "Sure," I typed in the number and gave the boy the order.

"When will it be here?" "He said about 25 to 30 minutes," Denis groaned and I laughed. "I'm gonna go take a shower. If the pizza gets here before I'm out my wallet is in the kitchen," Denis nodded then went back to watching his show.

After doing everything I needed to, I went back downstairs in my pj's. "Well aren't you a little cutie," Denis said as he pulled me into his side.

He leaned in then the door bell rang. "I'll get it," I said as I stood up and went to the kitchen for my wallet.

SUPRISE! (Denis Stoff)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin