Chapter 18

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Edited on March 9th, 2017

*Denis' pov*

I woke up to an empty bed. I put on some sweats and walked out into the living room. I saw Lucie in the kitchen making some coffee and breakfast so, I walked up behind her and hugged her waist. "Morning Lucie," I said turning her around and kissed her.

 "Morning babe," she said kissing my cheek. She turned back around and continued cooking. I noticed the house was a lot cleaner than last night and that she had went shopping for food. "When is Taylor bringing her stuff here?" I asked. "Sometime today. Why?" 

"I just wanted to know," I said grabbing plates from the cabinet. I handed one to Lucie. She put some eggs and bacon on it and then she set it down and grabbed the other the plate. She put a little more than on this one than the other.

 She left the rest on the back burners and turned off the stove. She handed me the bigger plate and a fork. "Thank you," I said kissing her cheek and following her into the living room. She sat down and turned on the TV. 

She kept changing the channel because it was supposedly 'to adult for me'. She gave up and put a disc in the DVD player. I waited for the title screen and saw it was the Spongebob movie. "Are you seriously gonna watch this?" I asked looking at her.

 "Uh yes. Who wouldn't?" I just laughed and ate breakfast. I set my plate on the coffee table. She paused the movie and brought the plates to the kitchen. She came back out and started the movie again. 

A few minutes later she got a call. I'm guessing it was Taylor telling her she was on her way. She started to smile and jump up and down. I laughed as she continued to jump up and down. She said a few more things then hung up. 

"Who was it?" I asked even though I knew the answer. "Who do you think?" She asked sitting back down on the couch. We heard the doorbell ring so we both got up and went to the door.

*Lucie's pov*

I knew it was Taylor because she called me and told me that she was in the parking lot. I opened to door and saw Taylor and the guys with boxes. "Come in," I said moving to the side. Taylor walked in and set the boxes she had near the stairs. 

"Where the kitty?" I asked as she walked back into the front room. "Still in the truck. Follow me, you're gonna help," she said walking out the door. I followed her to the truck and saw there weren't that many boxes left. 

Me and Taylor got most of them while James helped get the rest. Ben grabbed the cat carrier and then locked up the truck. We walked back to my apartment and set the boxes down with the others. 

"Can I see the kitty?!?" I asked looking at her really excited. She nodded and got the cat out of the cat carrier. Holy fuck. It was so cute. "Awww it's so cute!" I said really excited. I was gonna see if Denis and Taylor wanted to go with me to get a new cat.

 I really want a Siamese hairless cat. Taylor put the cat down and she went straight for the couch. Me and Taylor laughed at how lazy she was. "Hey Taylor, I was wondering if you would want to come with me to get on of those hairless Siamese cats," I said really hoping she would want to come. 

"Yes! I would love to come!" She said getting really excited. "When are we going?!?! Can we go right now?" She asked a little bit to excited. "I guess, let me see if any of the guys want to go," I said. "Taylor wants to go look at cats, who wants to come?" James and Denis were the first ones to offer to come. 

Eventually everyone offered to go. We all fit into my car. How I don't know, but we did. After a couple minutes of driving we arrived at the animal shelter. "Cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats!" Taylor sang over and over again. 

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