chapter 9

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Edited on March 8th, 2017

*Denis' pov*

I woke up on the couch with Lucie cuddled into my side. She had makeup all over her face from crying last night. I looked around and noticed Sam, Ben, and James were all asleep on the other couch. 

Taylor and Cam were both holding each other and they looked adorable. Lucie sat up and then stretched. "Hey Denis," she sad while rubbing her eyes. "Hey," I said getting up and walking to the kitchen area, "coffee?" 

She just nodded her head yes. She walked to bunk ally and I'm guessing changed while I made coffee, because she came out with black skinny jeans and a Never Shout Never tank top. 

Her hair was up in a messy bun and she had washed off most of her makeup. I handed her a cup of coffee and she said thanks quietly.

 After about 10 minutes everyone but Cam and Taylor were up. Ben took a picture of them and put it on twitter. I didn't really pay attention to what it said because Lucie walked out with a shoe box and she was crying.

 She put the shoe box down on the table and walked away. Ben opened the box and then closed it really fast. I'm guessing it was Aura. I went to bunk ally to see Lucie with her foot sticking out of her bunk.

 I opened the curtain and she turned around. Man she was really tore up about this. "Hey Lucie we have to go set up. You wanna come?" 

She shook her head no while jumping down from her bunk and she walked to the front lounge. Lucie grabbed the box and her and Taylor linked arms. They walked off the bus while Taylor played music.

*Lucie's pov*

Me and Taylor walked off the bus with the box I put Aura in. I never thought I would have to do this to Aura anytime soon. We found a woodsy area and we put Aura in front of the biggest tree we could find.

 We carved his name above the box and put a bunch of flowers and stuff on top of the box.

*back at venue*

They were about to open the doors and to be honest, I was scared. Yes I have Taylor with me and I have done this before, but I looked like death.

 The doors were opened and people started to get crazy. They kept trying to sneak stuff and it was just insane. The openers were amazing, not that I really payed attention to them. As soon as the boys got on, the stage the crowd went crazy.

 They were acting like bats out of hell. No joke. Denis announced that Aura had died and all that stuff. Why he did that I don't know but, I didn't mind. After the show a lot of fans came up and said sorry about Aura and all that jazz.

 We took down the display and helped pack up the merch and put it in the truck. Other people got the tent and table.

 Once we got back on the bus, we were engulfed in a hug by all the guys. I was surprised as to why they were hugging us but I hugged back anyways. "You guys do know we could have went with you when you put Aura down right?" Ben said.

 Me and Taylor nodded our heads yes. "Well then how come you didn't have us go with you?" James asked letting go,"Because we didn't want to make you guys sad before a show," Taylor said slipping out of the hug.

 Everyone else let go and sat down. I went to my bunk to get some comfy clothes. I didn't really wanna do much of anything tonight. I changed in bunk ally because I can. 

After changing, I went to the back lounge and put on The Hunchback of Notre Dame. When I was young I would watch this with my mum when she was still not a complete buttwipe. Denis walked in and sat down.

 I had been thinking about when Denis asked me to be his girlfriend. I mean I wouldn't mind but we haven't known each other for that long. We had only known each other for a month basically. 

"Hey," he said sitting down next to me. "Hey," I said still watching the movie. Half way through the movie I caught Denis looking at me. "Yes," I said looking Denis in the eyes. 

"What?" He asked "Yes." "What do you mean by yes?" He asked looking at me. "Yes." "What do you mean? Lucie why do you keep just saying yes?" I looked at him and before he could say anything I kissed him. 

We pulled away from each other and he finally understood why I said yes. "So. I'm gonna take that as a yes?" He said looking at me. I just laughed and kissed him again. I fell asleep in the back lounge in Denis' warm embrace.

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