Chapter 30

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Finally! Hey guys, so I decided to go back through and fix this story up a bit. I really hope it isn't as bad anymore and I really hope I can start writing better. If you see anything incorrect like spelling and such, please don't be afraid to tell me! A couple notes about the story, it will be in Lucie's point of view unless stated other wise, and Denis will be staying in Asking even though he no longer is in real life.

I woke up early and notice Denis wrapped out me. "Denis, wake up. We have to start cleaning the house before we leave," I said as I got out of his grasp. "Five more minutes," He mumbled as he rolled over.

I sighed and walked to the bathroom. I did my business, put my hair up, then walked out. After changing, I decided I would let him sleep while I started cleaning.

It took me about three hours to clean and make sure all the rooms were intact before Denis finally woke up. As he stumbled down the stairs he looked around. "Why didn't you wake me up? I could have helped," He said as he rubbed his eyes.

"I tried. You said five more minutes, so I gave you a couple hours to get up," His eyes widened when he heard the last part. "A couple hours?" He said as he started to freak out. I nodded my head and took a sip of my coffee.

"I even packed your suite case," Denis sighed and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He mumbled into my hair, pulling me closer.

"Yes, yes you have," I smiled as he turned me around. He placed a small kiss on my lips then let go. "What time do we have to be at the airport?" "Uh, I would say three," I said as I looked at the clock on the wall.

"2:30," Denis let go then started to freak out. "Denis! I got everything done while you were asleep, calm down!" I said as I gripped his shoulders.

Skipping airport and airplane stuff bc ew. That sounds boring.

As we stepped off the plane, I was hit was a warm gust of wind. "It's good to be home," I said as me and Denis walked over to baggage claim. "It really is, are you excited to go get Luna and Marie?"

As he brought them up, I started to jump up and down. "I forgot I got to see my babies!" Denis laughed while other people stared at us.

"Calm down you weirdo," Denis said as he wheeled our bags to the doors. "NEVERRRRRRRRR!" I yelled as we waited for his sister.

After waiting for a couple minutes, she pulled up to the pick up area. "Hey girly!" Ashley said as I got in the back of the car with her son Damien. "Hey little squirt," I said as he gave me a high five.

"Oh, ignore me. It's fine," Ashley said as she pouted. "Hi Ashley," I said as Denis said hi to Damien. "Thank you," She said as she laughed a little.

As she drove us home, Denis, Damien, and I all sang along to the CD that was playing. "You have a really pretty voice Aunty," Damien said as he looked at me.

Ashley was about to scold him for calling me Aunty when Denis spoke up. "Uh, we have something we would like to tell you guys," He said as he smiled back at us.

"Oh god, you aren't pregnant are you?" Ashley said as she got worried. Me and Denis both laughed while she glared at us. "No, I actually proposed to Lucie," Denis said as his smile grew.

Ashley pulled into our drive way and squealed. "Really? Can I see the ring?" I nodded and let her see my hand. She gasped and looked at Denis. "Damn boy, you don't even spoil me that much," She said as she punched his shoulder.

He laughed as his cheeks turned a light pink. "Uncle Denis is marrying Lucie?" Damien asked as we all got out of the car. Denis ran over to him and picked him up. "I am, little man."

"Can I come to the wedding?" He asked as he looked at me. Ashley laughed while I debated. "I think you should ask Uncle Denis that," I said as we walked into the house, me and Ashley carrying the bags while Denis distracted Damien.

"So, when am I going to get a little niece or nephew?" As she asked, I froze. "You know, I haven't really been thinking about kids. I know I'll want them eventually but both me and Denis have busy lives. I just don't think we would be able to give them the proper care if we were to have one," As I finished, arms wrapped around my waist.

"Could you imagine a mini me running around?" He asked as he laughed. "Oh god, I can hardly stand you now. I don't think I could handle another one," I said as Ashley laughed. Denis let go then stomped away.

"Love you too babe!" He yelled from a different part of the house. Me and Ashley laughed as we collapsed onto the bed in the middle of the room. "I don't even want to know what kind of nastiness is on here," She said as she looked at me.

"I cleaned this house spotless before we left thank you very much," I said as I shoved her off the bed. "Denis! Your fiance is being mean to me!" "What did you do to deserve it?" He asked back.

Ashley gasped and I stuck my tongue out at her. "You guys suck," She mumbled as we walked back downstairs. Damien and Denis were on the couch, watching some random cartoon, both in a dazed state.

"I wonder what they're thinking about," I whispered to Ashley.  She shrugged her shoulders and walked over to the couch. "Damien, we have to go. Daddy wants us home before dark," She whispered, shaking his shoulders lightly.

The little boy looked at him mom and nodded. "Wanna help me get Denis' attention before you leave?" I asked Damien getting down on his level. I started to whisper my idea to him and he started to giggle.

He ran off and Ashley looked at me, a scared look on her face. "Don't worry, we aren't going to hurt him," I said as Damien ran back with a pot of water.

Me and Damien hid behind the couch and chuckled. "One, two, THREE!" As we shouted three, we spilled the water all over him and he freaked out. "What the hell!" As he tried to dry himself and the couch off, the three of us laughed.

"That was great Damien!" I said as we high-fived. Damien giggled and I laughed, tears falling from my eyes. As we stood up, Denis had made his way behind us.

"DENIS! PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled as he picked me up, shaking his hair while doing so. "BYE DENIS! BYE LUCIE!" "BYE UNCLE DENIS!! BYE AUNTIE LUCIE!" Ashley and Damien yelled as the door shut.

I laughed as Denis carried me up the stairs, plopping me on the bed then running back down the stairs.

As he made his way back up, he smiled then sat on the bed.

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