Chapter 27

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Edited on March 10th, 2017

*Picture from the photo-shoot*

*Lucie's pov*

I woke up to my phone going nuts. Before I looked at it last night's events came flooding back. I finally picked up my phone and saw it was all texts. 42 from Haley. 10 from Sam. 12 from Cam. 13 From Ben. 50 from James. Finally 1 from Denis and 13 missed calls from him. Well then. I looked at what Haley sent. 

It was all of the pictures and she said she would bring me some clothes when I wake up. Sam was all about if I was okay and where was I. Ben and Cam were pretty much the same. James was flipping out and Denis was just a simple sorry. 

"Oh. Your already up. Haley brought by some of your things just in case you needed them," Nathalia said motioning to a suitcase. "Did she by chance bring my charger?" I asked. "I plugged in your phone already," she said pointing to the phone in my hands.

 Oh. She did. Whoops. "You better get ready for the run we are leaving here in a minute," she said walking out. I walked to the suitcase and grabbed an outfit to run in and my sneakers. I changed then opened the door.

 I walked down the steps and saw DJ sitting on the couch in running shorts and a tank top with sneakers on. "Put your sneakers on were leaving,"Nathalia said walking into the room. I nodded and put them on. 

We all walked out the door and started to jog. "Let's race,"DJ said looking at me. "Okay," I said. We both stopped running and Nathalia told us when to go. He ran off at a full sprint and I just started to jog. 

When I noticed him slowing down I started to run a little bit faster. Not long after that I passed him. I made it to the end of the road before he did. I stopped and waited for them to catch up. I saw Nathalia but I didn't see DJ.

 "Where is DJ?" I asked as she stopped next to me. "He is being a slow poke," she said as he finally came into view. He was walking really slow. "Wanna race back?" I asked him. He quickly shook his head no. 

Me and Nathalia both started to laugh. Once he made it to the end of the road we let him rest then we started to walk back. "Selfie time!" Nathalia yelled. Me and DJ both groaned. "Oh get over it," she said.

 She took multiple selfies then we continued. "I need music," I said. "Then play some," DJ said. Me and Nathalia looked at each other with a smirk and she walked next to me. I pulled up Pandora and went to the Katy Perry station. 

Her song Peacock came on and me and Nathalia started to basically scream the words. DJ looked down and started to walk faster but we easily kept up with him. We messed around all the way back to the house. 

"Go get changed so we can go to the tattoo shop," DJ said as soon as we got in the house. I nodded and went up to their spare room. I grabbed some skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and the hoodie Nathalia handed me last night.

 I quickly went to the bathroom and did what I needed to and then walked downstairs. "Can I get a tattoo while we are there?" I asked. "Of course," DJ said. I nodded my head and pulled my wallet out of my pocket.

 I counted to see if I had enough and thankfully I did. "Nice sweatshirt," DJ said. "Do you want it back? I just quickly threw it on because it was warm," I said panicking. "Nah. You can keep it," he said laughing. 

"Are you sure?" I asked still panicked. "Yes I'm sure. Just calm down okay?" He said smiling. "Well, you ready?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Okay. Nathalia! We'll be back soon!" He yelled. "Okay! Be safe!" I heard her yell. 

"Follow me," DJ said. He held the door open and I walked out. He walked to a car and came over to my side and opened the door. "Why thank you," I said getting in. "Your welcome," he said closing it. 

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