chapter 12

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Edited on March 8th, 2017

*Lucie's pov*

When I closed the door, I looked at the caller I.D. and noticed it was my step dad, Kevin Lyman.

(K- Kevin. L-Lucie)

K-Lucie! Oh my goodness it's been forever since we talked!

L-hey dad. How are you?

K-I'm good. I'm good. How are you?

L- I'm great actually. I'm on tour with a band and my best friend. *James in the background "Hurry up Lucie! I gotta piss!*

K- is that the band I think it is?

L- What band do you think it is?

K-Are you on tour with Asking Alexandria?

L- Yes dad. I'm on tour with Asking Alexandria.

K-*Lucie's mum in the background "Kevin, get off the phone its to early to be on the phone" look Lucie, I'm sorry. I'll call you later?

L- yeah okay bye dad.

*end of call*

"Can I take a piss now?" James asked through the door. I opened the door and started to walk to my bunk. I was tackled in a hug from Taylor.

 Taylor was the only one who knew that Kevin was my step dad and that I don't know my real dad. The guys think he is just my dad and that my mum is a whore because I look nothing like my mum or Kevin. 

I climbed up in my own bunk and started to cry. I don't know why I was cry but it just kinda happened. Taylor climbed up into my bunk and hugged me for the second time. "Can I take over here?" James asked while peeking in the curtain.

 Taylor nodded and climbed down and James climbed in. "Hey, why are you crying?" He asked sitting at the end of the bunk. I wiped away some of the tears and looked at him. "I guess I should tell you all, get the guys together in the front lounge," I said wiping away some more tears. 

He nodded and jumped down. As I put on a sweater and some sweats I got down and went into the front lounge. I sat next to Taylor who pulled me into a hug. "Well, I need to tell you guys something," I said letting go of Taylor. 

They all looked at me. "Well, when my mum found put she was pregnant my dad left her right as she told him, before we moved to America my mum wanted me to know where my family came from and my family's history so, we lived in the Ukraine until I was 10, then we moved to America because my mum started dating Kevin Lyman and then when I was 13,they got married. As soon as I graduated High School, I had enough money to move to England so I did and I've lived in Yorkshire with no one ever since then. But now I have you guys so I try not to think about it," I said looking at them. "

будь ласка, не ненавидіти мене(please don't hate me)," I whispered while looking down. "ми б ніколи не ненавиджу тебе , повір мені (we would never hate you, trust me)," Denis said looking at me.

 I just smiled at him. "What the fuck did you guys say?" Taylor asked looking between me and Denis. I just shook head and laughed because she we trying to look mad,but she is to adorable to be mad.

 "She thought that we would hate her and and leave her alone,and I told her we would never hate her," Denis said looking at Taylor. She just hugged me even tighter. "Why the fuck would we hate you Lucie?" Taylor looked at her. 

"Because I did have a friend once, and I told her that and she called me a 'freak, a weirdo, monster' and so on, I was just scared that was gonna happen again," I said looking down. 

James got up and walked over to me and picked me up. He hugged me as tight as he could and then put me back on the ground. Taylor yawned and then got up," I'm gonna go to bed you buttwipes. Night," Cam got up and followed her. 

Denis hopped up really fast and picked me up. He yelled,"I caught a wild Lucie!" He ran to the back lounge then ran back to the front lounge. He dropped me on the couch and ran around some more. 

What the hell was Denis doing? He finally stopped running and picked me up again. "What the fuck are you doing?" James asked laughing. Denis just laughed and ran to his bunk. He put me in his bunk than got in. 

He took his shirt off then laid down. I cuddle up into him. After about 2 hours of just laying there I couldn't sleep so, I started to trace his owl tattoo with my finger. He started to move so I stopped tracing the tattoo.

 "Lucie, go to bed," he said, his voice groggy from sleeping. I said okay and rolled over. Denis did the same and pulled me close to him. 

I pulled my phone out of my bra and saw it was almost dead. My charger was in my bunk and I couldn't use Denis' charger because I have an android phone and he had an apple phone. I decided to text James and see if he was up.

(J-James. L-Lucie)

L-butt nugget. You up?

J-yes why?

L - can you grab my charger out of my bunk and bring it to me?

J-no. You can get it yourself.

L- No I can't

J-yes you can.

L- *sends picture of me and Denis* no. No I can't

J-fine you butt nugget

James opened the curtain and handed me the charger. "I hope you don't have to pee," he said walking away. I plugged up my charger and got on Tumblr.

 I turned down the brightness so I wouldn't wake Denis, again. After scrolling through Tumblr for a while, I noticed it was almost 3 in the morning. I put down my phone and finally fell asleep.

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