Chapter 32-Doctor for Dean

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Days Later

Dean secret remained unknown. The date night was great, Dean glad he took Seth out. Who knows it may be the last time Dean takes Seth out. Tyler and Katherine have their six week check up on Saturday. Which happens to be the same day Dean has an appointment. Dean still hasn't found the right excuse to not go to the twins check up. He could always blame it on work like how he's be doing. Dean just scared Seth will start thinking that Dean doesn't care about the twins. However, that statement wouldn't be false. Once this cancer is gone for good Dean will definitely start paying more attention to his family.

It was 9 in the morning Seth parents took off for a run. When running Seth parents were talking about everything. Seth parents does see the change in Dean from when after the twins were born. But they know Dean would never ever leave Seth on purpose. Seth parents were planning to stay their for at lease 2 to 3 weeks. Seth and Dean need to start getting used to parenting on their own.

Everyone in the house was sleep until Dean felt something happening in the chest. He quickly but gently and quietly got outta bed and went to the bathroom. He made it just in time. He started coughing up blood on the sink. Dean sighed as he looked his blood. Fuck. He opened the cabinet and reached into the back of it. Dean hid some pills the doctor gave him for the the symptoms. He place them in the sink ledge he took one pill before he placed it in his mouth. Before anything happened Dean heard his name beside him.

"Dean" Seth said in tears. Seth saw the blood and he looked at pills Dean was taking. He put one and one together and bam he figured it out. Dean, the love of his life had lung cancer.

"Seth" Dean said in shocked. Seth just witnessed Dean secret. Seth knows now, SETH KNOWS DEAN HAS LUNG CANCER. Seeing Seth in the state he was in only made Dean cry. Both were crying but they knew they had to talk.

Seth grabbed Dean hand and they both ended up in the living room on the couch. Dean on the right side of Seth. Seth took one of Dean hand and held it while he asked him,

"How long have you know" Seth asked with his voice breaking. Seth has a lot of questions about this.

"Three weeks after the twins were born." Dean replied and he saw how disappointed Seth got. Seth looked away from Dean. He couldn't believe Dean knew from three weeks from when their kids were born. Whether it was the day of, the day after, or the week after the twins were born Seth should've know the day of! "Seth I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's just you and your parents were having trouble with the twins. So I didn't wanna put stress on any of you" Dean added on.

"When you're next appointment?" Seth asked looking at him. He wanted to be their for Dean.

"This Saturday but the twins have their check-up on Saturday." Dean said

"I'm going to the appointment with you. I'll just reschedule the twins check up." Seth said he wanted to be with Dean through everything.

"Seth you don't have too. I'm just going in for my chemotherapy for 2 hours. Then on Tuesday I believe I have to back for a x-ray to see if   the Tumor is gone or if imma need to go into surgery for it cause either the chemotherapy kills everything or its kills some and some remain. The ones that remain can't be treated with the chemo but with surgery yeah." Dean said trying to straighten out his voice. He tried to remain calm.

"How could you say that so calmly?" Seth said crying."Dean you could be going into surgery. This is serious. This isn't ok or fine or anything. You should've told me the day you found out. What if something happened to you? I would've never forgive myself. Please Dean. Tell me everything from now on" Seth said crying and Dean nodded crying too. Seth was crying in Dean's arm. While they were crying, Seth parents came in and saw them crying.

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