Chapter 21

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Seth POV

I arrived at Randy's house. We began talking and catching up on each other's life. It's good to reunion with friends. Randy showed me the place imma sleep in. I have yet to tell him about what going on between Dean and I. Maybe tomorrow I will. He would help me out with my situation. He gives good advice. Later on we are going out just to eat nothing fancy or anything. I sign as I layed on the bed

Meanwhile with Dean: Dean's POV

4:05 was when I came home. Yeah boss let us leave early. It was a blessing. My boss he is bitch-est bitch of them all. Not only that the company got a new employe named Renee Young. She's so not helpful or anything at all. She just there. The other day she asked me for my phone. Not for my phone number but for like my phone. I don't know why but my dumbass gave it to her and let her go through my phone.

I pulled up to the crib and saw Seth car was missing, he probably just went to the grocery store. I opened the door in the front walking in. I noticed something on the table. I picked it up and began reading.

Dear Dean,

You probably just had a long day of work coming home tired. I know that cause I know you and your routine you do everyday. I grown to know you I started to love you hell I do love you which is why it's sad and heartbreaking to let you go. Don't try to look for me I'll be gone. I know I sucked at this letter. We're over Dean.... Bye.

Me- Seth

By the end of that I was crying. I couldn't take it. The love of my life just lefted me. For who for what? What did I do? Seth wasn't going grocery shopping he was most likely gone forever.

"I always fuck everything up" I said as I hit my head with my hand hard.

I ran upstairs to see if there's anything left of him. And no nothing all of his items gone.

"FUCK MY LIFE" I yelled.

No one POV

After Dean got his anger and yelling out. After that both men at the same time layed on the bed and signed.

"I always fuck up in relationships" both said at the same time.

Although it was a coincidence it happened.

Seth thinks Dean cheated and used him. Dean doesn't know what happened.

Although Dean never did that. Never. Both has been used and cheated on before. So they know how it feels and wouldn't do it to anyone.

"What did I do wrong"

Truthfully no one did anything wrong. It's life. We assuming thing and we do some things that could get you expelled or even in jail.

Here's a tip:

"Don't do something permanently stupid just because you're temporary upset."

Problem is Seth was upset/mad and he acted to fast. That why most relationships end. That's why Seth and Dean relationship ended.

Was it about the miscarriages? Did the place not help Seth? Dean didn't know what to believe.

"I need to get Seth back" Dean said as he looked down at his ring.

Seth and Dean officially broke up. Aw poor them, they deserve each other. I hope they can make it through.

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