Chapter 12

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Dean shook his head out of that thought. He hated when he thought about that. It makes him feel like it was his fault. What if he had been there more often for Seth? Would Seth be in miscarriage counseling?

As Dean thought some more, he decided to close up the place as he was the last one there. He went home to go straight to bed.

Seth's POV

I was crying, Madison attempting to comfort me. I kept ranting about how much I missed Dean. "It's okay, Seth. There's only a few weeks left until you and him are back together. We need to get through the rest of the miscarriage counseling." Madison said. "I know, but I just miss him so much, Madison. I miss him so, so much." I responded. I couldn't contain the tears. Madison began to talk, but was cut off by the loudspeaker saying to go to room 206. Room 206 was the room where miscarriage victims went to be comforted. "Come on, Seth. Let's go." Madison said in a gentle tone, helping me up.

Madison and I walked to room 206, meeting the others. Elena, Ariana, and Nick were there, waiting for us and the rest. I had wiped my tears before heading into the room, although I knew my eyes were a bit pink from the tears. I think Ariana was the first one to recognize it. Rachel was the first one there, sitting down already. Alexandra walked in next, followed by Emily and Alex. Next, Zoey and Eli walked in. "Hey guys," Nick said in a comforting tone. He looked at everyone in the room, paused on me for a bit, as if giving me a confused glare, then continued. I could tell just then, he recognized my eyes being pink. I must have cried really badly, if it's this visible. Ariana walked to me. "Do you need to talk about it?" She whispered. I shook my head no. She nodded, then walked back to where she sat before.

"Well," Ariana started. "Any updates on everybody's feelings, or have they all stayed the same?" Ariana continued. No responses. "Let's go in the same order that we started off with." Elena suggests. Nick and Ariana agreed. "You first, Alexandra." Elena continued.

"In all honesty, this place did definitely help, don't get me wrong. But just a little bit. It doesn't change the fact that I've had a miscarriage, and it doesn't change the fact that something has still died." Alexandra said. I saw Ariana and Alexandra in the back, whispering to each other. Elena and Nick knew why, I could tell. They exchanged looks, then had Emily come up.

"This place did help, definitely. I agree with Ariana, but a lot more. Miscarriages is just how the world works. We can't help it. It's scary, but, it's the tru---" She was interrupted when Elena just had her stop in fear of scaring other miscarriage victims. I was already shaking a bit.

Alex came up next. "Well, I'm sure it was the same thing for everybody. A tragedy. But it's a tragedy we can come back from, it's a tragedy we can shake off if we just give it some time and don't think about it. We can just think about everything else we have awaiting us for the future, absolutely everything else, every single wonderful thing. This place helped a lot." Alex said. Nick applauded. "Bravo," Nick responds, then gestured Madison to come up.

I looked to my right. By the time I looked, Madison had already gotten up. "I basically would say the same thing Alex had said. This place, everything, it all helped a lot." Madison said, then sat back down. Madison and I began to whisper. "You're up soon. Zoey's next, and then Rachel. Then you. What are you going to say?" Madison asked me. "Um, I have no idea." I respond. "Just say the honest truth. Whatever you think of this place, just say that." Madison answered. Zoey was already up there, half way through her opinion about her miscarriage. "That's why I think this place was a somewhat good supporter with the miscarriages. I'd give you guys an autographed poster from Norman Reedus, if I could." Zoey said, then walked back to her chair.

Rachel was up. She was shy, so it was kind of silent when she first got up. "Um, I really don't like this place that much. My baby is still gone." Rachel said. That's all she said before she went back to her seat. That was a big difference from her in the beginning. She came to this place with a rough attitude, and came out with a soft one. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one.

It was my turn now. I didn't know what to say of this place. Should I say it was good? Should I tell my honest opinion about it, that I hated it, and I miss my lover? I don't know what to say. I'm contemplating every single word that's going to come out of my mouth from when I first leave that chair, as I'm taking the steps, and then I'm up there. Just like that. I don't know what lead me to this situation.

"I don't know where to start," I said. Although. I decided to tell the truth. "I miss the man who put me into this prison. The man who I'm missing very, very much, and I'm literally suffering here without. Sure, this place may have helped other people. But it really did not help me very much. It just took me away from the very person I loved and was spending my life with, and I hardly get to see him for, I don't even know how long anymore. But, if this place did anything, all it did was make this worse. I don't know what to even say about this place, besides the fact that it's complete, utter trash." That's all I said, then I went back to my seat.

"Eli, you're up next." Elena said. No response. "Eli?" Ariana questioned. They soon realized Eli wasn't in his seat.


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Baby problems!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora