Chapter 14

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"Eli, just calm down. It's going to be finished in a bit." Madison said, attempting to comfort Eli. I was already halfway through. Eli began hyperventilating, Madison continuing to attempt and comfort Eli. I finished the stitching as quick as possible. Eli, after hyperventilating, walked back to his bed, put the blanket over him, then just began to doze off to sleep. "Let's go," Madison said, tugging on my arm in a polite manner. I nodded, following her. We saw a few others on our way out. "Where were you guys?" Elena asked us. "Just looking for something Seth lost." Madison responds. "What did you lose?" Elena asked me. "My phone. It's on vibrate." I respond. "I'll help look for it in a bit, Ariana and Nick need me for something." Elena said, walking off. I took out my phone, switched it onto vibrate, then hid it in a specific spot. Madison and I continued to walk, seeing some other miscarriage victims. Some were laughing and having fun, while some others were still upset. I'm not surprised if anybody lied when we had to tell how we felt about this miscarriage counseling idea. "I feel so bad for Eli," Madison said. "We put him through so much pain." She continued. "He put himself through that pain. If you cut yourself, there's gonna be an aftermath. If you commit suicide, it just passes every bit of your pain onto somebody else." I conclude, from my thoughts. "Why do you think he cuts? What if miscarriage isn't the only reason he does it?" Madison asks. "Madison, what are you saying?" I asked, under the impression that she believes people are toying with Eli's emotions. "You know what I'm saying. I believe somebody, somewhere, in this place, who possibly knows about the cuts, or any other embarrassing or humiliating thing in the past, teases him about it. That makes Eli cut. Just a hypothetical question though, nothing to dig too deep into." Madison says. "No, you might be right. We should tell Elena or Nick about that. Not Ariana, I honestly don't think she cares that much." I said to Madison. "Go get Nick, I'm going to get Elena." Madison suggested. "Okay," I say, beginning to walk to where I last saw Nick. Of course, though, he wasn't there. I left the room, then saw Nick eating a bowl of soup in the other room. I must have walked into the wrong room. I knocked on his door, as he answered quickly. "Nick, there's a lot to explain. Sit down with me." I say. He and I sit. "Eli, he cuts. I know you know that. Other than miscarriage, do you think there is anybody that is teasing, maybe even full blown bullying him, in our place? I think there's probably one guy that does it. Or woman." I'd say to the man. Nick didn't question how I knew. "I have thought about that before, but I've never considered it. We can make a meeting and have people say names of who they have become friends with. We can get our answers by just doing that, then we know whoever is close to Eli. Some are friends and some are not." Nick said. I nodded. Madison and I walked away, not knowing what to do next. "I like Nick's idea. Elena's idea was to just see whatever Ariana and Nick think should be done." Madison responds. "Nick is going to start a meeting any minute now, you going to be to it?This one is optional." Elena asked, interrupting our conversation. "We will." I respond. Elena nodded, then walked away. A few minutes later, we were called down. We were all chosen to say who we're friends with. Madison and I were the only ones that included Eli at all. We left afterwards, it didn't take long. "I think it's Zoey, for some odd reason." Elena said. "I have no clue." Madison said after Elena. "It's only the miscarriage, I believe." Nick theorized. "I don't know, I agree with Nick and Madison. In between." I said. "Yeah, it can be just the miscarriage. But there is a lot of cuts." Madison said, agreeing. "Some of the cuts might be before the miscarriage. Maybe he went someplace before this that he didn't tell us about that lead to him cutting." Elena theorized. "That would make sense. If anybody hid things from their files, it'd be Eli." Nick continued. "Madison, Seth, you two should talk to Eli. Find out anything he has that he didn't tell any one of us, then tell us. That will help us. Or, just flat out find the other reasons he's cutting. You know what? Just do that, Seth and Madison. Ask him why he cuts and get it out of him. Whoever is causing this, if it's because of someone here, depending on whether or not they did these actions willfuly or accidentally will be talked to." Elena said. Madison and I went up to Eli's room, opening the door. "Eli, we know most of the reasons you cut, but is any of them because of a person that you didn't tell us about? Is somebody teasing you or anything like that? We need to know so that way we can help you, Eli." I tell him. "People used to bother me. Before the miscarriage. Not anymore. Go." Eli said. "No, you need to tell us who, Eli. We need to know who told you these rude things that led you to cut, who teased you, who did these things to you? You never told us the full story on why you began, so why not now? Help us to help you, Eli. Tell us who did this, and we'll help you. We need to know who did this, all of this, so we can stop you once and for all from this terrible addiction you're stuck in." Madison said. "No, I didn't do it today." Eli said. "But, Eli,
Who did it? Who basically just cut your wrists for you?"

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