Please Help Me Pt.1

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"I'm clocking out for the night" Renia said tiredly, shrugging on her tailored pea coat for protection against the cold weather. "Finally" Alana, a nurse from the OB-GYN section of Washington General Hospital exclaimed, "we thought you would never leave. You worked a 13 hour shift today! Now go home, get some shut eye, and spend some time with that gorgeous boyfriend of yours will you!" Laughing, Renia dropped today's files off, popping her head into the 8th story office, of Carlisle Cullen.

"Just came in to say have a goodnight" she stated at his scrutinizing gaze. He smiled brightly, his light butterscotch eyes lighting up, before he bid her goodnight. The temperatures had dropped from a cooling mid 70's to a freezing low 40's in the time span of only three hours. After four grueling years of college at Washington State University, using her weekends and late nights for cram sessions with biology and physics, Renia went right off to medical school studying an extra two and half years to get her OB-GYN degree in nursing, mentoring under Dr. Carlisle Cullen himself until she was set up with a Job in the OB-GYN section of Washington General Hospital, where she has been residing as a nurse for close to a year and a half.

Renia, now 25 years old, had adapted to her vampiric state nicely as the first time, her senses soon becoming use to the stench of blood and antibacterial wipes, babies being born day-in and day-out under her care and her team of nurses. Fishing for her keys on the side pocket of her purse, her classic white Keds squeaked against the wet pavement, the faint smell of fresh rain and dew hanging calmly in the air. Fingers grasping the keys, she pointed them towards the midnight blue Mercedes Benz her salary thankfully paid for, the headlights flashing in the dim-light. Opening the driver's seat of her vehicle, she threw her purse across the seat, one foot poised inside, before a hand suddenly grabbed her.

A pained groan accompanied the hand, and Renia's health care senses kicked in, her butterscotch eyes peering down at the cold pavement. Pale skin was what she could see, as she cautiously kneeled beside the what she thought was unconscious person. He was male, dark, wet hair sticking to his deathly pale skin, his cheeks sunken and hollow, dark rings forming under the eyes. The hand was still clasping on to her ankle, and slow, making to sure to gauge his reactions, she grabbed it, checking instantly for a pulse. It was slow, choppy, and erratic, the dark blue veins jutting out from wrist to bicep, pained and gasping breaths coming from his blue mouth. His clothes were wet and sticking to his person, and Renia's mind began to kick into overdrive, thinking that this person was going to die from hypothermia.

Scrambling trough the front of her car, her hands grabbed for the blanket she always kept as a spare, nuzzled at the bottom of her car. Clutching the fluffy material with somewhat calm hands, she dropped down beside the person, wet rain sinking through her scrubs and to her skin. Storm clouds were beginning to brew overhead and she finished her examination of the person. "Please….Help…" the being whispered, turning cobalt blue eyes to her. Her eyes widened in recognition. She had seen this boy many times before, with her sister…

It was Dylan….

Author's Note: Sorry this Chapter is so short guys, but I'm splitting it into two parts, so yeah. Also, this chapter and the one after it are dedicated to my sister Roy who tried to write me the longest review in history on a dare. She gave me another idea and I'm giving it to her, so thanks sissy! Anyways keep reviewing guys, I love to hear from you and when you give me ideas I try my hardest to incorporate them in that story. Keep Reading and keep REVIEWING!

The Better Eclipse!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora