PaulVSJake, and Embry Makes A Bet

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"What a jerk" Renia exclaimed when Maalon told her what happened. The girls were sitting outside on the back deck, watching as Bella and Jacob rode the dirt bikes around the grass. "Yeah, he doesn't deserve you" Monique said. Maalon just nodded sadly, watching as the two rode around happily together. "Bug-a-boo" Renia said sternly, using the nickname she gave Maalon, "don't let that guy get to you. If he can't see what a great girl you are, then he doesn't deserve you."

All was peaceful and silent, until an ear-piercing scream broke out through the woods.

"JACOB, RUN!" the girls looked on in alarm as Paul began to shake violently, his body crouching lower to the ground. His clothes began to rip, and a black wolf replaced his figure. Jacob growled loudly, now a brown wolf, pouncing at Paul. Bella scurried out of the way, and the girls quickly called her over. "Take her inside" Renia instructed. Monique lead the shaking girl inside, as Maalon and Renia hurried off the back porch. The two morphed into a white wolf and an amber wolf, their paws hitting the mossy ground. "Paul" Renia yelled in her mind, "Back down, now!" the black wolf, snarled, grabbing Jacob around the neck with his massive paws. Renia growled and charged towards the fighting wolves, pouncing on Paul's back. She bit his ear, and he howled in pain, trying to shake her off. "Back down!" she yelled again. Maalon clawed at Jacob, trying to move the massive wolf. Paul finally managed to get Renia off and he and Jacob continued to fight, taking their confrontation into the forest. Maalon and Renia slowly morphed back into human form, and watched in dismay as the two wolves slowly disappeared.


Monique led the still shaking girl over to Emily's house, pushing open the screen door. "Now boys" she heard Emily say, "save some for your brothers and sisters" Quil and Embry were wolfing down the food Emily prepared and Monique rolled her eyes.

"You guys are disgusting and greedy" she said, giving an apple to Bella. "No" Embry argued, "We're growing boys" he shoveled another spoonful into his mouth, and Monique grimaced. "Now who do you think would win in a fight? Jacob or Paul?" Embry asked.

"I don't know" Quil said carefully, "Jacob's still young but Paul got a few good knocks in there, until the girls came and broke it up. I'd put my money on Paul" Quil took out a crumpled twenty dollar bill and placed it on the table. "Get ready to put your money where your mouth is, because I'm betting on Jacob" Embry slammed a twenty on the table and grinned in triumph.

"You two should be ashamed of yourselves" Monique scolded, "You should be more worried about the well being and health of Paul and Jacob. Not who would win in a fight" she handed the money to its respective owners, and Embry snorted.

"Don't try and act all Ms. High and Mighty. You know you want to bet as much as we do" Monique shook her head at his childish antics, and Embry rolled his eyes. The laughing and bickering of the two said boys was heard coming up the driveway, and Emily set out more food for the boys and girls.

"You could have killed each other!" Maalon said as they entered inside the house.

"But we didn't" Paul commented, his arm wrapped around Jacob.

"Yeah. See? We came out unscathed. Well, except for Paul's ear, thanks to Renia" Jacob said, glancing warily at said girl. She rolled her eyes in distaste and sat down at the big kitchen table.

"We're glad to see you guys are ok" Monique commented, glancing at Embry.

"Yeah" he agreed, "…by the way, who won?"

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