LaurentVSEmbry And Monique

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Eventually the morning rolled around to 9:30 and the three sisters filed into the magnificent white tent where the pre-party was being held. The couple to be married was no where around, and Monique kept glancing over her shoulder, always wondering if that man…that Laurent…could still be lurking around.

"Mo, you alright?" she jumped at the sound of a voice behind her and turned to stare into the quizzical face of her sister Renia. Said girl was holding a glass of punch out to her, its red contents dangerously close to spilling out. "Whoa Mo, take it easy. I'm wearing white you know" she handed the girl the cup and Monique received it with shaking hands. "You alright?" Renia asked with concern, "you don't look so good" she touched a hand to her sisters forehead her brow scrunching in confusion. "Hmmm…you don't seem to have a fever. Keep drinking the punch, okay? I'll come check on you later." Monique nodded, trying desperately to swallow the lump clogging her throat. She needed to sit down….

Collapsing in one of the decorative hardwood chairs, Monique continued to sip her punch slowly, until everyone filed out at 10:30 to the back of St. Bethel's Church. The scenery was breathtaking with white lilies and roses scattered on the ground as a pathway and covering the archway where the guests entered and where the priest stood with his bible. Edward stood at the end of the aisle with a permanent grin etched onto his face, handsomely dressed in the traditional black and white tux and shoes. His best men were dressed in the same attire as well, and Bella's bridesmaids were dressed in simple white sundresses in the hot summer air.

Soon the pianist began to play The Wedding March and the entire guest party stood, looking towards the main entryway. Bella looked stunning in an all white knee length dress, a bouquet of white roses clutched in her hand, and a crown of white daises perched in her hair. She smiled shyly as her father; Charlie Swan walked her down the aisle, a slight grimace on his face. Her maid of honor Alice walked in front of her, behind the flower girl, Bella's cousin Mackenzie. Murmurs swept through the crowd at how breathtaking Bella looked, as she slowly, but finally made it to the end of the aisle.

Monique couldn't tell you much of what happened that day, her mind screaming that this Laurent person might still be out there. She tuned back in when the priest said "Speak now or forever hold your peace" there was a beat of comfortable silence, when suddenly a glass window of the church, crashed, glass shards landing all over the grass. Laurent jumped through the broken window, sporting a smug grimace, his feet crunching beneath the colorful glass shards. "I told you before me amore" he said addressing Monique, "that we would meet again." Monique sucked in a breath and clenched the fabric of the dark blue dress. Her sisters looked alarmed, rising quickly to stand in front of their sister. "We won't let you hurt her!" her twin, Maalon shouted. Renia and Roy nodded, blocking Monique out of Laurent's view. Embry jumped from his seat in the back pew, his growls echoing through the open space at the back of the church. "You have A LOT of nerve coming here!" he barked. The muscles in his biceps and shoulders contracted as he clenched and unclenched his fist, the veins and tendons bulging dangerously from under the loose dress shirt.

"I'll be taking Monique and be on my way" Laurent said smoothly, stepping forward. Her sisters huddled in closer and all Monique could hear was the blood pounding in her ears and the shouts of everyone around her, as the Cullen family cleared everyone out and away from the scene. Embry roared and growled and Monique felt her heart beat faster, ready to beat out of her chest.

"You won't be taking anyone! Especially not her!" Laurent's face changed from cool and collected to dark and menacing as he bared his teeth at the boy who dared to step in between him. Embry bared his teeth as well and the two began circling each other ferociously.

"I said I'll be taking Monique and be on my way. No questions asked. That doesn't require you to respond! Now MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!" Laurent shoved the teen werewolf in the archway, causing it to crash and fall with a loud boom. More flowers were scattered and picked up in the wind as Laurent suddenly had him by the throat. Embry struggled to get free, clawing the vampire with his hands, but to no avail.

"Stop it!" Monique cried brokenly, "you're killing him!" Laurent smirked and grabbed the boy tighter and Embry began to struggle even more. His chest was heaving as he tried to gulp in air, and Monique watched on desperately. She couldn't allow it to happen. Not to Embry…Not to anyone… Growling unhumanisticly, Monique felt herself began to morph into her wolf form, the expensive dress left in a heap of shreds on the ground. She pounced suddenly on Laurent, knocking him to the ground. Embry was thrown to the side, crashing into the brick structure of the building. He groaned in pain and suddenly blacked out, which made Monique even more enraged. She howled in abandoned animal instinct, clawing swiftly at the vampire. He struggled to fight her off, but was no match against the gigantic werewolf…

Everything past that seemed to be a blur. She could distinctly remember all the anger suddenly vanishing, instead replacing itself with remorse. She could smell the charcoaled remains of Laurent and his clothes, as the Cullen's burned what was left of him. The stickness of his crimson blood was on her hands and Monique felt sick.

And to top it off…Embry was hurt… And she wasn't sure if he was going to make it through the night….

"It's all my fault" she thought brokenly as she watched his body being loaded into the ambulance, "I'm sorry Embry…for everything…"

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