Shocking Pre-Wedding Secrets, And No Emotion

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Meanwhile Inside the Reception Party

Maalon was chatting idly with Seth over the newest gossip happening on the res. The newlywed couple had just finished dancing for the first time as a married couple, and everyone was having a good time…. That was until….

"STOP! STOP ALL THIS!"everyone in the party looked towards the foyer of the Cullen House. There Jacob Black stood in a white button down, a black tie hanging loosely around his neck, black slacks, and black converse. He stumbled down the steps that lead to the living room, getting disgusted looks from everyone at the party.

"Bella" he muttered desperately. Said girl looked worriedly at her former best friend, wiggling out of her new husbands grip.

"Jake" she started, "maybe we should take this outside…." The boy shook his head. "No, this needs to be settled in front of everybody" he slurred drunkenly, gesturing to the on looking crowd. "You can't marry him Bells" Jacob said, pointing a finger at Edward, "You still love me" Maalon distinctly heard someone snort in distaste behind her, and her heart sank.

"Jake it's too late" Bella said firmly, "I already married Edward. I told you before I love him."

Jake chuckled without humor, sending chills through Maalon, "you weren't loving him last night then… Because you slept with me..."

The whole room fell silent and looked at Bella with disbelief. Her cheeks flamed scarlet, and Jacob smirked with some sick triumph.

Edward was about to step in and handle it, when Maalon grabbed Jacob by the wrist. "I apologize for his rude behavior" she muttered, "He's had a little bit too much to drink tonight, so If you'll excuse us" she quickly dragged Jacob out through the front door. Once they were on the lawn, she heard Jacob give a humorless chuckle.

"Have you lost your mind?" she growled, turning to face him, "what were you trying to accomplish in there? By embarrassing Bella in front of her family, friends, and guest did you think she would take you back? This is her wedding day! And you're out here acting like a child! You're drinking, not coming home, going off on everybody you see fit to! One day people are going to get tired of your shit and give up on you. Then who will you have? Bella? No not Bella. Billy? No not Billy. Did you know that when you left Billy had a heart attack and had to be taken to the hospital? He's fine, no thanks to you. Or that Emily's pregnant and is planning a baby shower. Sam's ecstatic, not that you care. Nobody else matters in Jacob's world, besides Jacob. Did you know that Bella loves Edward and he plans to change her? But that didn't stop you did it? Didn't stop you from sleeping with her? Keep messing around Jacob and you'll have no one to look out for you…. When you decide you want to grow up and be a big boy, you let me know..." all through her speech, Maalon kept her voice at a calm level, and I think Jacob would have preferred she yelled.

"At least then" he thought sadly as he watched her walk away, "she would show some emotion. During that speech, she showed none at all…. Maybe she's right… What have I done….?"

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