Monique's Past Lover

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The day of Edward and Bella's wedding was finally here! But instead of the bride being filled with gloom and nervousness, it was one of the guests… Monique paced the floor of her bedroom, habitually looking at the clock. The hours seemed to tick by from the time she got up at 2:10 this morning, until the present time which read 9:00… "I can't shake it!" she thought frustrated. Feelings of unease and nostalgia crashed unto her like a tidal waved, churning her stomach upside down. "Maybe I should go for a walk…clear my head a little"

The green cover of leaves surrounded Monique as she wandered aimlessly through the forest. Her heart beat began to decrease as the frustration finally left her. And yet she still couldn't shake that feeling of was going to happen today… Something bad…

"Look at you" a voice chuckled from behind, "all grown up…" the young girl turned quickly to see a man. He was tall and built, with long black dreadlocks and piercing red eyes. "You would think you would recognize moi" he said, his voice heavily ladled with a French accent.

"Who are you?" Monique snapped, immediately taking a defensive stance. The man again chuckled without humor, sending waves of sickness coursing through Monique. "I am Laurent, your past love Mon Cherri..." he grabbed her hand and placed a light kiss on it. His cold touch made Monique want to blanch, so she retracted her hand back quickly, as if she had been burned.

"Past Lover?" she screeched, "what are you talking about, I don't even know you?" she backed away, her worn converse leaving tracks in the muddy ground. "But in time you will" he murmured, "until then me amore, this is farewell…." And just like that Laurent was gone, and the feelings of uneasiness increased tenfold. What if he tried to hurt her sisters or worse…Embry…?

Her knees collapsed beneath her and Monique heaved to get air into her lungs. Her body started shaking with this new fear, and she soon emptied the contents of her stomach. Afterwards she laid her head against the cool wood of the tree behind her, unconsciously rubbing her hands against the denim material of her jeans.

She knew something was going to happen today…

She just didn't know how bad it would get….

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