Putting Bella Back Into the Equation

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As the days continued to pass, events surrounding La Push Beach got even more intense…

"Hey Jake" Maalon said early one morning. Jacob was in the small garage behind his house, his old t-shirt discarded to one side. Sweat trickled down the tan skin of his back, his muscles clenching and unclenching as he worked diligently under the hood of a 1996 Impala.

"Hey" he grunted. "Whatcha working on?" Maalon asked curiously. She leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek, and he subtly moved away, easing to the other side of the car.

"Jacob" Maalon said hurtfully, "Jacob, what's wrong?" his body tensed as she leaned across the small car, and he sighed setting down his tools.

"Nothing's wrong" he muttered, "just didn't get much sleep" he plopped down on the old ragged couch in the corner, rubbing his hands against his face. "You want to talk about it?" Maalon asked, sitting next to him. He shook his head, beads of sweat perspiring on his forehead. "Jake…" she started again. "Maalon, it's nothing" his voice was harsh and Maalon backed away in fear at the fierce look in his eyes. What happened to the Jacob she used to know? She wasn't sure, she thought as she walked out, but she was definitely going to find out…

As the days continued to pass, Maalon began to see less and less of Jacob, and more and more of Bella Swan. The clumsy brunette first showed her face back on the scene two weeks ago, worn out dirt bikes lying in the back of her truck. As days passed on, Maalon was now used to seeing the old, grungy, orange truck, clabbering up the driveway to Jacob's house.

"I guess he's more than happy to spend time with Bella" Maalon thought as she made her way once again to Jacob's garage. Music was playing loudly from the car stereo of the impala and Jacob and Bella were lounging on the couch, empty soda bottles and pizza boxes strewed all over the floor.

"Jacob" Maalon muttered, "We need to talk." He glanced up from the pile of magazines in his lap, his once bright eyes, dimming once he saw who it was. "Oh hey Maalon, look can this wait until later, because-"

"No Jake" Maalon interrupted, "this needs to be settled now" her voice, for once was cold and harsh, and it sent chills up Jacob's spine. "Excuse us Bella" Jacob muttered grudgingly as he got up. He followed the young girl outside, a good hearing distance away from the garage.

"You wanted to talk?" he muttered sourly. She narrowed her eyes, "I cannot believe you. You don't want to talk to me for a while, I get that. But you do not get to ignore me, when I don't even know what I did. What's up with you Jake? Are you on some new kind of medication that I should know of? Do you have schizophrenia? Are you bipolar? Or do you really just not like me?"Her breathing was harsh by the time she was finished, her last statement reverberating through the forest.

"The Cullen's skipped town again, and Bella needs-"a sharp slap pierced the tense silence as Maalon's hand connected with Jacob's reddening cheek. "Don't" she growled fiercely, "Don't you dare try and tell me what Bella needs. Look around Jacob! Bella's dead! She loves a vampire and in some way that makes her already dead! She wants to become a vampire! That makes her dead! So why don't you for just once in your life, get off your knees, do us all a favor and stop begging her! She knows for certain what she wants in the end! So stop pretending you two are going to be together forever! She might love you know, but will she love you for all eternity? You can't love somebody who wants to be dead!" growling unhumanisticly, Jacob pinned her to the nearest tree.

"Let me make this very clear to you" he snapped, "she will love me. She might now realize it now, but she does love me. And I will stand by her. And you might love me, but I can't love you. Not as long as she's in the picture." Maalon felt her heart shatter into a million pieces, Jacob's words penetrating her like a stake to the heart.

"Fine Jacob" she whispered, "I guess this is goodbye…" she harshly pushed him away from her, walking with her head held high, away from him….

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