You Will Remember...

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"Listen Paul" Renia sighed exasperatedly, "I'm just going out for some fresh air. I'll be back in 10…maybe 5, minutes." Renia slowly walked away, escaping into the hazy forest. 'I don't know what's up with him lately,' Renia thought, 'But he never lets me out of his site'. She rolled her eyes at the irony of the situation, taking a deep breath of the pine in the air. Continuing to walk, Renia listened to the quiet crunch of leaves beneath her feet.

I was dressed up in ribbons for you to undress

all the shining shimmering things, till there was nothing left

And I was once upon a time something worth fighting for

until you won me and there was no need to fight anymore-

There was a loud crunch resonating behind her, and Renia turned, her body instantly becoming tense.

"I've finally found you…" Jasper said, slowly walking from the cover of the dark forest. Panicked, Renia instantly began to run, racing through the green trees in front of her, with such speed there was no way he could keep up with her. To her surprise however, the vampire was right beside her, flowing gracefully through the trees like a monkey. "I haven't met anyone who could match my speed like you Renia" he muttered with a wink and a smile. Renia stopped suddenly in the middle of an open field, the wind blowing past her fiercely. For a moment, she felt as if she knew him from somewhere, almost as if from some parallel universe that she couldn't reach to, as if the memories were gone.

"Who are you?" she whispered shakily, "How do you know my name?" an unknown feeling came over her, and she felt as if she could trust this stranger. "Oh! I am sorry, my name is Jasper Cullen, I would have thought you would recognize me" Jasper said sadly. "Remember what exactly?" she turned to come face to face to him, looking into his amber-hazel eyes.

"Us after all" Jasper whispered, "We were married for over 100 year's ma'am" he tipped an imaginary hat to her and smiled graciously. "We had so many fun times together" he said distantly. "I think I would have remembered, trust me" Renia said, unsure about the situation at hand, or the relationship he says they shared. Jasper ran up behind her, sending a cold wind through the air, slowly removing the hair from her neck and shoulder. He slowly brushed his cool lips against her skin, and she shivered, from the cool or not, she wasn't sure. "So you have forgotten everything..? The way I used to make you feel when I held you and kissed you with such passion and love? I can still taste it. Can't you..?" he whispered huskily.

Renia began to feel different, like her feelings had changed from fear to love. Almost as if she was feeling what he was feeling…

"How could you forget the feel of my lips against yours?" Renia slowly turned around to face Jasper, his golden brown eyes slowly closing, as he pulled her closer. "Let me gladly refresh your memory." He leaned in closer, and Renia panicked. "NO!" Renia pushed Jasper into a tree, resulting in a large crash. The tree began to fall and Renia moved out of the way. "I am sorry, I am so, so sorry, I really am. I have to get going but I really hope we can be friends" she said hurriedly. "Wait!" Jasper yelled, slowly coming out of the tree. "I looked and waited for you for many years, but I couldn't find you. Then Alice came into my life, of course she saw me coming, but she will never be you" he took hold of her shoulders, "I love Alice, I do, but the one person that I have never stopped thinking or dreaming about is you… I have always loved you more than a human or vampire…" Renia relaxed her shoulders against his touch as he spoke, "I never knew what love was until I met you." Jasper said happily, trying not to cry tears of remorse. "If we were together, I would have remembered you and our life. I'm sorry to say this but I don't" Renia said sadly, wishing for his sake and maybe hers that she could remember. But there was no way to reach memories that were already so far gone… "You will remember me in time darlin'" he drawled, "you'll remember all the feelings…everything" Jasper slowly took her hand and kissed it gently. "But until then, farewell my love" and like that….he was gone….

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