Emeralds And Diamonds

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Getting home Jasper took his time entering into the room he and Alice shared together. Said pixie was waiting for him expectantly, a curious look on her face as Jasper plopped tiredly onto the bed. "Jasper, honey, what's the matter? You've been changing your mind all night" she tapped the side of her head knowingly, and Jasper felt the despair grow in the pit of his stomach… "It's nothing darlin'" Jasper murmured, averting her worried gaze. Alice frowned warily and easily climbed atop Jasper on the massive bed, turning his face towards her.

"It's about Renia, isn't it?" it wasn't a question, but more a statement, and Jasper knew he couldn't keep this going for long.

"….Alice, I think it's time we talk…"

The next day Renia sat patiently outside of Forks High School, waiting for the final bell to ring, dismissing all its students. Roy had come back in, after taking a supposed walk, and relayed the message from Jasper unto her. Her mind kept replaying the date over and over again, and she decided it was worth skipping free period bell, to drive the thirty minutes to Forks. Habitually checking her watch, Renia counted down the thirty seconds, between scholars and their freedom, listening to the satisfying peal of the final bell, and the excited murmuring of students, as they began to file out of the school. "Renia" an already too familiar voice drawled behind her.

Jasper stood behind her expectantly, holding out a pale arm to her. She took it graciously grabbing her old school bag and shrugging it onto her jacket covered shoulder. "Hey Jasper" she replied quietly. A jolt of electricity jolted through his body at her voice, and he smiled, despite his bittersweet attitude. He held out his arm to her, a crooked smile painting his face, "Take a walk with me darlin'" he drawled quietly. Smiling, Renia looped her arm through his outstretched one, following him out of the parking lot.

The pair felt eyes following their movements, and Renia's earthy tone orbs, took a cautious look over her shoulder. Alice Cullen was looking at her with something close to resentment, but not boiling over to pure hatred. The emotions sent tremors through her, and she grabbed onto Jasper tighter.

Once they were a hearing distance away, the vampire turned them away onto a dirt path, leading them through the pillory treetops' that compassed the forest area. "Roy said you wanted to talk" Renia began. Jasper stopped on the top of an enormous cliff, the sound of crashing waves echoing through the empty area. "Yes. There's something you need to know…." Her brow furrowed in confusion and Jasper felt the despair run through him in heavy waves.

"After you disappeared, as you know I searched for you… After a few years I went to Pennsylvania, hoping to find you there. That's where I met Alice… We traveled together for years, and then…" his voice trailed off, and he sat, perched atop a broken log. Renia slowly walked over, plopping down on the mossy earth in front of him. His head dropped into his hands, and he struggled to continue his story, "And then we got married…"

And for the first time everything clicked together. The first time they met again Alice was with him. His story last night during their date. The wedding ring on his right hand that glinted in the sunlight at this very moment…. Her head starting spinning and she had to lean forward onto her elbows to gain back at least some control.

"Renia?" Her breathing was labored and panicked, and Jasper fell quickly onto his knees, catching her as her tiny form toppled over. Her heart beat was erratic as he slowly brought her closer, enveloping her in the cover of his muscled figure. Renia closed her eyes tightly, burying her heated face in the crook of his neck. Her head was pounding and blood was racing in her ears, and the girl suddenly felt like crying.

Tears started to leak on the collar of Jasper's expensive white button down, and he felt his heart clench in regret. "I am so sorry" he murmured quietly, burying his face in her fallen tresses. She sobbed brokenly, clutching his upper biceps, her body racking in strong tremors.

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