The Battle...

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{Jasper's POV}:

The day of the appointed battle was finally here, and everyone's emotions were going haywire. Anxiousness, Worry, Anger, Malice- everything blending together, until it was all a giant fog, hanging heavily over the clearing. "This will work" I murmured assuredly to Edward and Bella, "the newborns won't even know what hit them. They won't expect wolves. We have the numbers. We have the advantage…." Wrapping his arms around his wife's protruding belly, Edward buried his face in the crook of her neck, taking a deep, shuddering breath. "I have faith in you" he said quietly, "I have faith in everyone here today. Everyone risking their lives to save us… To save our baby…" he rubbed gentle circles into Bella's stomach, and she smiled weakly, placing her hand atop his.

The sudden, looming presence of the wolves came upon the clearing, all of them emerging in pairs from every side of the forest. I could instantly tell Renia from the rest of the pack, her piercing green eyes, glowering at me in contempt. Her coat was a light shade of tan, blending into an ashy gray around her head and face area. Her tail swished rhythmically in the wind, a low, buzzing hum, erupting from her throat. Jacob trotted easily to her side, his brown eyes flashing, a wolfish smile planted on his face.

"They have wolf telepathy Jasper" Edward chimed in quietly, "that's their way of communicating. Renia's just greeting Jacob. Jacob however is thinking about how many wolves he can take down before the day is done..." I solemnly nodded, itching to reach out and brush my hand against her silk-like fur. Alice grabbed my hand from behind, a coquettish smile forming on her face. "The battle is almost here my love" her soft voice ran over me like the finest cashmere and a growl rumbled deep in my throat, as I closed my eyes in content. I wrapped my arms around Alice, sighing in bliss as her warm body wrapped around mine. "I'll protect you out there" I whispered in her ear softly. A soft growl resonated behind us, and I snapped back into reality. Both Renia and Jacob were staring at me, their eyes betraying the emotions we all knew Renia felt. "She feels hurt, betrayed, by you… What about Renia? Won't she need protection? Or does that not matter anymore..?"a voice whispered wickedly inside me. I felt like slapping myself on the forehead or kicking myself in the butt, or better yet jumping into a pit of fire because of my insensitivity towards her. I was married to her, so it's my job to protect her as well.

Sam's growling snapped me out of my much needed self-loathing, all the wolves instantly trotted over to flank him on every side. He growled and snarled and it was as if someone was speaking in tongues, or speaking French to a Japanese man. The pack nodded here and there, pawing their feet into the ground lightly. At least they knew what he was saying….

In what felt like hours, I felt Alice tense up next to me, and I knew the inevitable was coming…

They were here…

They slithered into the clearing like serpents in the grass, their clothes wet and sticking to them like a second skin. Hair was plastered all over their faces, their dark red eyes glaring at us menacingly. I sized them up with a subtle once over, counting out the 200 or more plus newborns that made up the army. The one in the front, obviously not the ring leader, snarled viciously, leading the attack as they all charged forward.

After that is all a downhill spiral.

Limbs went flying everywhere, fresh blood spattered against the green grass and on the trunks of trees. Fires were going before the battle even started, and the revolting smell of burning flesh hung in the air. The sickening crack of teeth ripping into skin and the vicious snarls that erupted from the wolves' throats was scary enough to bring even Satan to his knees. I ducked and dodged one newborn after another, making sure to keep a close eye on both Renia and Alice. Alice was battling off a newborn, leaping on him with such grace, dislodging his head from the rest of his body and throwing it into the pit within a matter of seconds. I could feel the heavy paws shaking against the ground, as Renia easily pounced atop a newborn, pinning him beneath her massive body and ripping into his flesh with her teeth. Shrieks and hollers erupted all through the clearing, as we polished off the newborns one by one….

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