When You're Gone Pt.2

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Jasper's POV:

My throat was burning and aching, and I knew that I hadn't fed in what felt like weeks. They kept me here in this….prison, but I was used to that. The tortured screams and cries of other vampires, the darkness…. It was Maria's Army all over again, except this time… I didn't know if I was ever going to make it out of here. "As long as Renia's safe and away from here" something inside me whispered. I nodded in agreement, though shackled; I at least knew that my beloved was safe….

A bright light suddenly filtered into the room, as the giant brass and wood door was forced open, Jane standing there, an emotionless smirk on her face. "Aro wants you as company for some pathetic reason" she murmured, unshackling me from the wall. The two burly vampires from earlier hefted me easily, dragging me through the misty corridors and unto the upper level of the Volturi Headquarters. Aro was sitting as calmly as ever, as I was thrown to his feet, a defiant scowl crossing my face. "Now, now Major Whitlock" the sadistic bastard cooed from the comfort of his seat, "don't get hasty."

I pushed myself to a standing position in a split second, a low growl bubbling from my throat again. "Learn to control yourself Jasper" Aro snapped menacingly, "Or Jane might just have to teach you a lesson on self control…."he said, his red eyes glancing at the blonde guard. Her dark eyes glanced excitedly at me, and I stiffened, clenching my fist in anger. "What is it that you want Aro?" I calmly asked, trying to keep my emotions in check. "You know what it is that I want from you Jasper. Join the Volturi. You can have an excellent future with us! Think about the possibilities…?" His dark red eyes glared into mine, but I couldn't let my resolve weaken. I had a new life. I was back with my beloved…. She was at home….waiting for me.

"I'm sorry Aro, but I have to politely decline, yet again….I have a whole new life…. I can't just throw it all away." I shook my head, my blonde curls bouncing to and fro. Aro raised a perfectly arched eyebrow, his red eyes glinting, "Oh, is that so?" he miffed, interlocking his fingers together, "Well maybe Jane, could change your mind…" the petite blonde stepped forward, her eyes focusing on me. I could feel the first pangs of agony shoot through my system, my eyes clenching shut as I locked my lips together to keep from crying out.

"STOP!" the entrance doors suddenly burst open, Renia and Alice standing there, looks of worry on their faces. "Oh look" Jane murmured, snapping me out of her wicked trance, my shoulders slumping tiredly in defeat, "we have guest. I never thought I'd see that face again" she quipped, her eyes now glaring at Renia. I could feel the harshness, emanating from the thirteen year old, shooting straight towards Renia. The older girl squared her shoulders, a low, menacing growl bubbling from her throat. "Jane" she barked, her eyes darkening to a low, boiling black, "let Jasper go!"

"Well isn't this wonderful!" Aro shouted excitedly, "I didn't believe it could be done, but yet here you are! And with your memory!" Renia cut her eyes to Aro, the pupils dilating, as she narrowed them to almost slits.

"And you" she whispered, stepping forward, "We have business to finish from long ago you sick son of a bitch! Do you think I have forgotten! All that was done to me will befall upon your head, and more, mark my words! After this day, the Volturi will be re-created! No longer will it be ruled by wicked leaders with corrupt agendas! After this day, vengeance will be served in full to the sinful leaders of the Volturi! And you Aro….will rot for the rest of eternity in hell!" a dark aura surrounded the once, sweet, troubled girl, flames of white and black flashing and crackling, licking up the sides of her body. The whites of her eyes, began to take over the blackness of her pupils, her dark hair flying up around her in a wildly fashion.

Shaky hands reached for the necklace around her neck, the one she always seemed to wear, snatching it off with a ceremonious yank. The aura around her changed from a darkening gray, to an electric blue, white lightening flashes swimming through the aura. Her eyes transformed from a haunting white, to an icy blue, her pupils shot directly at the leader of the Volturi.

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