The Way You Look Tonight Pt.2

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When she got home, as expected her sisters were running crazily around the house, busying themselves until she got back. Renia was just rushing through the main corridor when she caught sight of Roy. She squealed happily, instantly grabbing the dresses and running up the stairs with them. "Well hello to you too sis" Roy muttered as she heard crashing upstairs from her sisters. Trudging up the stairs one at a time, she pushed open to door to the guest bedroom, her sisters, trying to struggle into their dresses.

"I can't get the corsets of my dress tied!" Maalon whined, looking at herself in the full length mirror. Rolling her eyes, Roy smoothly slipped behind her, gripping the strings of the corset tightly. Pulling tightly, Maalon sucked in, as her sister easily slipped the strings into place, putting the top part of the dress, on top of the corset, the chiffon material flowing easily, as it slipped gracefully, just brushing the floor. An abrupt knock at the door, startled all the girls from their thoughts, Renia rushing to answer it. She yanked the sturdy oak door open with brute force, the hinges creaking in protest. Jasper Hale stood on the other side of the door, his hands crossed respectively behind his back.

Renia's butterscotch eyes widened in disbelief, her fast reflexes instantly telling her to grab a robe to cover the silk slip that covered her body. "Jasper!" she shrieked causing the older vampire to wince, "what are you doing here? The party doesn't start until eight! I'm not even ready!"

"I'm guessing I've come at a bad time Darlin?" the Southern Vampire drawled, noting the anxiousness in her mood. She blushed a scarlet red, reaching to slam the door in his face. "Go!" she yelled once the door was shut, "and don't come back until later!" the vampire on the other side of the door chuckled, walking downstairs to occupy himself in the living room.

By the time the girls got into their dresses it was 7:35, giving them at least 35 minutes to get their hair and make-up done. Renia was busy in the bathroom, being mindful of her dress, curling her hair into romantic waves, pinning it up into a loose up-do with tendrils falling delicately into her face on either side. Her make-up was simple with a light dusting of almost champagne colored eye shadow dawning her eyes and clear mascara, a light coating of lip gloss on her lips.

Maalon was double checking her dress to ensure that no wrinkles, rips, or tears were anywhere in sight, her long brunette hair done up in a loose, but elegant bun, a scarlet red rose, tucked into the back of her hair. Her makeup was done elegantly and beautifully, a light coating of shimmering light gold eye shadow dusting her eyes, an even coat of ruby red lipstick painted perfectly on her lips.

Monique was putting the last of her accessories on, her long black hair pinned up neatly, pale colored blue bonnets, nestled neatly in the tresses, to match the color of her dress. Her makeup was light and airy like that of her sister's, the palest blue eye shadow gracing her lids, her lips painted a pale pink.

Roy was the last of her sisters to get ready, all the while still thinking about her day with Dylan. Her hair was pulled back beautifully, little crystal stars twinkling beautifully in her long tresses. Her make-up was simple a light dusting of an almost silver colored eye shadow and light colored, almost nude lipstick.

Looking at the clock, Renia shrieked rushing to grab her shoes, slipping them on her dainty feet. "Come on guys, are first guest should be arriving!" She rushed down the hallway with her vampire speed, stopping at a halt once she got to the right wing staircase. She straightened her back in the tightly corseted dress, her hand gripping the staircase tightly. Jasper, Seth, Dylan, and Embry were all waiting patiently at the bottom of the steps, their expressions shell shocked as the girls made their way down the stairs.

Maalon was wearing a crimson Anne Boleyn styled dress, with a decorative bejeweled bodice, with shimmering gold trimming. The bodice dipped into a V, leading down to a full skirt, the same bejeweled bodice, leading down to spilt the skirt on either side, the sleeves decorated with a black lace trimming, the upper part of the sleeve, decorated with a gold and black lace band.

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