Just Make A Decision Maalon!

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It had been two months since Seth's proposal to Maalon and the happily engaged couple decided to have a spectacular fall wedding in October. There was just one thing they couldn't decide on however….the cake…

"Bug-A-Boo you NEED to decide on a cake, like TODAY!" Renia bellowed as the sisters lay sprawled all over the living room with magazines and pictures of cakes laid in front of them. Maalon huffed and twisted the simple blue-green diamond ring, on her finger, her brows furrowing as she once again, flipped another page in "Happy Living Digest".

"This is harder than it looks" she whined, throwing the magazine to a far corner of the room, "all of the cakes look sooo pretty, I just can't decide!" she threw her hands up in exasperation, and Esme, Rosalie, and Alice who were all helping with the wedding, chuckled amusedly, setting down magazines of their own.

"Your sister is right" Esme chimed comfortingly, patting Maalon on the back, "Cakes and Dresses can be the hardest thing to pick in a wedding."

"Yes but you don't know our sister" Roy added, setting down a tray of drinks on the coffee table, "To Maalon everything can be pretty and that makes it harder for her to decide!" there was a moment of quiet chuckling, before the women went back to flipping through magazine pages, their eyes skimming the glossy and colorful pages with happy brides cutting into wedding cakes or tossing the bouquet to the bridesmaids.

After countless hours of looking for the 'perfect' wedding cake, a glance at the clock, read 8:22, meaning the boys would be back from tuxedo fittings and a night at the bar any minute. "We're home!" the warm, inviting voice, of Carlisle Cullen called, his head of blonde hair, popping into the doorway of the living room. Esme smiled in relief, getting up to give her husband a welcoming kiss. The other women cringed at the loving affection, ceremoniously closing their magazines with a sigh. "Maalon if you don't pick a cake soon, I swear to all that is good and mighty I'll-" Renia began to mutter sourly, rising from her once stationary, belly-down position on the floor. A deep baritone chuckle interrupted her from her thoughts, Jasper's muscular arms wrapping around her torso. "My, my" he drawled, brushing loose strands of hair away from her neck, "aren't you being the little spitfire?" She rolled her eyes, giving him a light kiss on the jaw, before starting the task of picking up all the magazines and scissors, the women left lying around.

"Don't worry" Maalon whispered distantly, "I'll find a cake… I can feel it…."

"Hey, what's that?" Roy asked aloud, dropping to her knees to yank the last magazine wedged between the couch and the wall. Smoothing it out across her knee, she opened the front cover of the glossy paper, her eyes staring in awe at the beautiful cake laid before her. "I am such a genius…." She whispered amazedly, quickly shoving the picture at Maalon. "There is no way you can say no to this one!" her voice was high and rushed, her tall, body jumping up and down on the spot. Sighing, Maalon looked at the picture carefully, her eyes widening in what the crowd hoped was approval. The wedding cake was big, and luxurious four tier cake, pale pink and white roses, lining the borders from top to bottom, silk white ribbons bordering the last four tiers of the cake,

"Maalon we can see that you enjoy it, so just say yes already so we can get this big show on the road!" Renia drawled, her butterscotch eyes twinkling happily.

"I say….." the crowd around her crossed their fingers and toes, sitting on pins and needles to gauge her reaction, "YES!" Breathing a sigh of relief the group burst into a ceremonious bought of yelling and cheering, throwing around magazines and clippings, the whole floor littered in glossy paper.

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