The Way You Look Tonight Pt.1

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It had been months since the bloody massacre, also known as the final battle. Life went back to normal, per say, and everything was finally calm… 'No fights, no arguments, just…bliss' Maalon mused happily, as she finished brushing her hair into perfection. As an end of the year celebration, her sisters and herself were rushing about the house like chickens with their heads cut off, preparing for the extravagant party they were having later.

"Maalon!" Roy grumbled as she popped her head in the door of the bathroom, "You are not leaving me to do all the upstairs work. You look fine princess, now if you would please…. HELP ME!" her older sister shoved a bucket full of cleaning products into Maalon's startled arms, her nose wrinkling in distaste. "What is upstairs work per say?" she quipped lightly, setting the bucket down on the counter with a loud thud. Roy rolled her bright brown eyes, leaning against the opened door behind her, "all you have to do" she started, "is dust off the surfaces of things and make up the beds. Now is that so hard?"

Before Maalon could get a word in edge wise, Roy had already disappeared down the long corridor, humming a light tune. Grumbling Maalon got to work quickly, barely seeing much of her sister's as she finished her task. "ROY!" a sudden voice screeched from downstairs. Renia was standing at the bottom of the staircase her eyes searching frantically around the coat closet. "What?" Roy piped, her head appearing at the top of the right wing of the staircase. "The dresses Roy! Where are they?" shoe boxes and hangers went flying everywhere, as Renia instantly submerged herself in the heap of cloth and confined space. Roy's sleek eyebrows wrinkled in confusion, before her eyes widened in recognition. "Oh! I uh… I never picked them up…?" Dark locks bounced as Renia's head popped out of the closet, her now butterscotch eyes alive with fire. "You what!" she growled, bounding up the steps three at a time. Roy backed away nervously, fearing what Renia's new vampire powers could do to her. "Now Renia…" she tried to reason, "let's not get hasty…." A low snarl erupted from Renia's throat as she tackled her sister, pinning her efficiently to the wooden floor.

"Fix it!" She exclaimed her blunt finger nails digging into Roy's shoulder blades, "We have guest coming in exactly six hours! Everything has to be perfect, so fix this!" She let her sister up, and Roy gripped the stair banister, rising up on shaky legs. "Now don't you worry Renia" she whispered determinedly, "I'll fix this"

Rushing down the stairs, Roy grabbed her jacket and the keys to her silver BMW, before peeling out the driveway to the finest boutique in Port Angeles, Washington. 'Beau Papillion ' translating into Beautiful Butterfly, was a very chic boutique, stationed in the middle of a quaint shopping center in the heart of Port Angeles. Beautiful dresses were put professionally on mannequins, which shined brilliantly in the few slimmers of light, peaking through the constant cloud cover that was Washington. The bell above the boutique tinkled musically as Roy entered in, the sales associate at the counter, smiling at her warmly. "Hi, is there anything I can help you with, or are you just browsing?" Glancing at the young woman's name tag that read 'Siobhan' she looked into her warm brown eyes, fishing for the pickup receipt in her purse. "Yes" she muttered, pulling out the crumpled piece of paper, "I'm here to pick up four dresses reserved under the name of Renia Cullen" Roy had to resist the urge to snort, as she was already taking Jasper's last name, even though they weren't married!

Typing on the white computer keyboard professionally Siobhan's eyebrows wrinkled in concentration, as she scrolled down on the numerous clienteles who were on the pickup list for that day. "Ah yes!" she said finally, her manicured nails pointing at the computer screen, "here it is!" She rushed to the back of the store, her patent leather pumps clicking against the linoleum. She came back a few minutes later with four dresses wrapped neatly in plastic, placing them on the counter. "Here you are" she chirped happily, handing the parcels to Roy, "is there anything else I can help you with today?" Roy shook her head no and politely declined, exiting the store to her silver BMW parked just outside the store. She loaded the dresses into the backseat of her car, stretching them out neatly, so they wouldn't get wrinkled.

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