Share My Life and It Couldn't Get Better

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"SUCK IT IN!" Renia demanded, pulling harshly at the corset strings on Maalon's new wedding dress. Said girl was currently breathing in and out rhythmically, her cheeks flushed, as her sister successfully managed to tie the last of her corset. "You couldn't have been gentle…" she moaned uncomfortably, "it is my wedding day after all". Renia just rolled her butterscotch eyes, a strand of diamonds nuzzled together, hanging from her dainty fingers. Deftly pulling Maalon's hair away, she clipped the sparkling necklace around her neck, its diamond and emerald form landing delicately at her collarbone.

As you can probably guess, Maalon's wedding day was finally here and the young-bride-to-be was nervous and giddy at the chance to finally walk down the aisle. Her sisters, as well as Esme, Rosalie, Alice, and a now very pregnant Bella were dressed in simple silk, form fitting dresses, the neckline deep and suggestive showing a hint of cleavage, the cut of the dress in the back reaching to mid-back, bunched up with a sparkled broche, the train of the dress swishing delicately behind them. "Maalon" Renia whined, "if you get too nervous, your heart is gonna beat right out of your chest, before you even say I do!" the young vampire's voice was beginning to take on a deep southern twang from too much "Jasper time" her words long and drawn out to hang in the air silently. "I can't help it" Maalon replied shakily, smoothening out of dress for the hundredth time, "It's just…. I'm finally getting the golden opportunity to marry Seth, is just….awesome!" she sighed dreamily, a fresh picked bouquet of white orchids and roses clutched in her hand.

A soft knock resonated throughout throughout the back room of the church, Carlisle Cullen popping his head into the door way. "Hello girls" he greeted pleasantly, tipping his head in recognition, "I have just come to tell you that we are almost ready to start… Whenever you are ready Maalon, we are…"

Maalon had never really thought much of the famous Carlisle Cullen, but here today, on her wedding day, she realized that she had come to see him as a father figure. The doctor was young, still in his prime, with golden blonde hair, and butterscotch eyes that glowed in the sunlight. Those eyes however, held experience and knowledge that he tried to pass on to all his children, the laugh lines across his mouth and face, showing evidently when he looked at his wife and family… The precious beings he would give his life for, who he worked so hard for….. She wanted the picture of Carlisle and Esme and their family to be the fairytale between her and Seth.

"Thank-you Carlisle" she said sincerely, tears welling in her dark brown eyes. The man's eyes softened and he nodded, before slowing closing the door with a soft click. Once the door clicked closed, Maalon give a teary laugh, dabbing at her eyes with the tissue that was handed to her. "Maalon don't you worry. Seth loves you and he wants to marry you with his whole heart and you two will have a long, happy life together…." Esme assured, laying a motherly hand on the bride-to-be. She nodded silently, dabbing her eyes and smoothening her dress one last time.

"Ok….I'm ready…."

Guests were seated quietly inside the old, rustic church building, lines and lines of roses and orchids surrounding the pews, and decorating the archway in which guests arrived. Seth was wringing and unwringing his hands behind his back, a bead of sweat, forming at the nape of his neck. He felt overheated and dizzy in the big church, his shoes squeaking quietly as he shifted from foot to foot. Jasper, Paul, Quil, Embry, Jake, and Sam were all standing calmly behind him, and Seth gulped wondering how they all kept such cool composures. "It's all a part of being married…" Jasper whispered knowingly, clapping him on the back.

"But what if I mess up?" he asked nervously. The Southern Vampire chuckled humorously, "Something is going to happen inevitably. When I got married to Renia, her and I bumped noses really hard when the preacher said you may kiss the bride. I thought I would die, but she just giggled and tired again. This moment right here is all a part of life, so I suggest you get your hind-quarters in gear and get ready." The Wedding March, played soothingly by Edward soon began to ring throughout the church, the sound just a low, mundane hum in his ears. His knees were shaking and he could feel his eyes focusing and unfocusing out of place. He blinked his eyes repeatedly, straightening up, as the doors to the church opened, Renia leading the long line of bridesmaids down the aisle. Behind him, Seth could hear Jasper take in a sharp breath, the atmosphere buzzing all around the nervous groom.

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