The Better Eclipse!!

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"I really hate to leave girls" their father said as he loaded his bags into the military car, "but I'll be back before you know it." He winked and gave them one last kiss goodbye. As the girls watched the car pull away, they realized for the first time they didn't have a plan…"Where's the house again?" Maalon asked, as the sisters sat outside the loading docks. Monique and Renia shrugged, and her brow furrowed in confusion. "Well how do we move into a house, when we don't even know where it is?"

"I guess we walk from here" Renia said quietly. "Yeah, we should just walk till we find the first house we see" Sighing, the girls picked up their bags, beginning the long treck towards La Push Beach outside of Seattle.

"Oh, lookie!" Maalon exclaimed, "Up there! It's a house!" running, she came upon an extravagant house, shaded by weeping willow trees. It was a three story silhouetted house, with white paneling and red shutters and filigree. The front parlor of the house was open and airy as the girls walked in, setting their bags down. The rooms were furnished nicely, the pieces still covered in plastic. "You guys look!" Maalon screamed from the upstairs floor, "The rooms are already furnished!"

All three rooms were decorated, painted, and kept nice and clean, just how the three girls preferred it.

"Sweet," Maalon said later on, once they were unpacked, "Daddy gave me the room with the view! Thank-you daddy!" Monique rolled her eyes at her twin sister's antics. "So is everybody happy with their rooms? No changes need to be done?" Renia asked calmly. Maalon nodded, "Yes!"

"Yeah my room is pretty cool too" Monique said, as they sat at the dining room table. Renia nodded, placing her cell phone on the table, "Ok, but remember girls we still have to think about dad's departure, and then there's school to worry about, and money. We might have to take jobs if we want money to spend as extra." Maalon and Monique nodded, an awkward silence filling the open space. "I'm hungry" Monique suddenly exclaimed. Renia pulled a white envelope from her purse, counting the contents inside. "We still have $60 left over; we can spend that on food, for the rest of the week. What do you guys want to eat?"

"Chinese!" Maalon said

"Pizza!" Monique said. Sighing, Renia sat back and waited for the two to settle their dispute. Finally they decided to order Chinese. After dinner, the girls sat around in the T.V room, tired from all the day's adventures. "Let's call daddy" Maalon said, pulling out her cell phone. Punching in some numbers she put the call on speaker phone. On the third ring it picked up, a masculine voice coming from the other line. "Hello?" he murmured sleepily. "Hi daddy!" the three girls said simultaneously, quickly crowding around the phone. "Hi girls" they could hear the laughter in his voice, as shifting came from the other line, "I take it, that you like the house just fine."

"Its perfect daddy, we love it!" Renia said happily. He chuckled, as the girls talked animatedly about their day, telling him about the confusion and the long walk till they found the house. "That's very exciting girls, but I'm afraid I have to let you guys go. I have to get up early in the morning for a meeting." They all groaned sadly, "Ok….Goodnight daddy" hanging up the phone, Renia looked at the clock. "It's only 6:15, what do you guys want to do now?" The twins shrugged. "We might as well look around since we'll be living here for a while. How about we go for a walk?" Renia suggested. Monique and Maalon nodded, all three girls grabbing their shoes before they walked out in the dry spring air. "Ah" Maalon sighed contently; "It smells like the sea out here" she stretched out her arms, being embraced by the cooling air. Renia closed her eyes, her cheeks being kissed by the familiar air.

Suddenly an ear-piercing howl, echoed through the air, and the girls jumped in fright. "What was that?" Monique asked shakily, looking around the forested area. "I-I'm not sure, but I don't like the sound of it" Renia gripped the sides of her flannel shirt tightly, trying to control the tremors trying to take over her body. The howl echoed again, this time getting closer, and the girls stumbled back, trying to proceed closer towards the house. Renia turned getting ready to retreat into the house, when the echo sounded one more time, sending chills up their spines.

"Haha, did you see Seth's face!" a deep baritone voice, exclaimed behind them. The girls tensed, wishing for once to fade into the earthy floor beneath them. "It wasn't even that funny! I didn't even mean to-"their conversation stopped and Renia felt her heart begin to beat faster and she began to perspire.

"Hey, are you okay?" a voice whispered huskily into her ear. On instinct the young girl reached back, elbowing the hard flesh in the abdomen. The figure grunted, doubling over in pain, as Renia turned slightly, her figure still tense. What she hit was the solid figure of a male who was twice her size and older than her. He was tan and had short spiky hair, his upper-half naked in the chilling evening air. Still shaking slightly, she took a ragged breath, prepared to attack again if necessary. Her sisters looked on, preparing to put their self-defense classes to work.

"Take it easy lady" he groaned in pain. Renia turned, keeping a close eye on her sisters. "Well pardon me" she snapped, "but when unsuspecting visitors just pop up on me that seems like the logical first thing to do."

The youngest looking one of the group stepped forward, "We apologize" he started, "but we heard from the elders that we had some new neighbors and we just wanted to come welcome you. We're sorry for Paul over here; he didn't mean to startle you" Renia dropped her guard slightly as Paul slowly, but shakily arose to his feet. "Yeah" he grunted, "I didn't mean to startle you".

"It's fine" Renia murmured, "Sorry for snapping at you…and elbowing you in the stomach"

"No worries" he grinned, finally standing up straight. Renia finally looked at her midnight intruders, noticing the similar features of stature. All three had bronze skin that glistened in the moonlight and black hair that was cut short and spiked at the top.

"As addressed before I'm Paul, and this is Jake, Seth, Quil, and Embry" the respective boys waved at the sound of their names, each sporting a wide, tooth-set grin.

"I'm Maalon" said girl piped, "And this is my twin sister Monique and my other sister Renia" Renia grunted, kicking her feet in the gravel and Monique waved respectively.

"Well like we said before, we didn't mean to startle you, and we hope you ladies have a nice night…."

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