Chapter 2

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'No, no, no!' She cried running from her own doing. She ran deep into the grave yard that was behind the church. She ran up the only hill in the grave yard. Her feet was covered in mud, tripping a few times she covered herself in the wet mud. Getting on her feet she was able to make it up the hill where a single tree stood.

(20 minutes ago)

"My name is Spirit."

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful child of God." Spirit smiled at the woman.

'I guess I'm becoming human!' The wife looked at Spirits blushed face. Giving Spirit a gently smile she touch Spirits hands. In seconds the smile faded as she gave a painful look at the girl. The wife gripped her shirt, walking backwards. Spirit didn't know what to do but sit there, watching. That's all she ever done was watch. The poor woman was having a heart attack. 'I'm still cursed,' Spirit got up shaking in fear. Whispering to her self saying she was sorry, to forgive her, that she didn't know.

It was moments later that the Father of the church walked in and fell to his knees, seeing his wife lifeless on the floor. Panicking Spirit tried to get out of the room, the father took her hand and whispered the devil, as he tried to keep her in the room. "Let go," but it was too late. He then too die the same fate as his wife.

In fear she ran not knowing what to do now. She had become a monster. Was she now a demon?

He woke to the smell of death and soft cries from above. A single tear fell into the cracks of the earth, onto his cheek. Filling him with lust and hunger, which he had never felt such strong desire before. Getting up he heard one of his slaves moan as she shuffled around. "Sleep, there is no need." His cold eyes stared into her black soul as she gave him a lustful smile before falling back to sleep.

'Forgive me, I can do nothing right,' Her voice was music to his ears as heard her from above. Leaving the bedchamber in hell, he returned to the surface. Teleporting on the other side of the tree, he heard the woman cry in pain. Slowly, he walked around the tree and found a girl with her knees close to her chest, covering her face with her small hands.

"What are you doing?" The girl lifted her head, surprised to see him. But he was more surprised than she was for she was the angel he could not stop thinking about.

"Who are you?" She said. Her eyes were red and swollen from her cries. He never thought this day would come.

"Answer me first." She shivered, hugging herself closer.

"I don't know?" She said. This angered him. He grad her arm as she screamed, "No, you're going to die!" To him her skin was soft as baby skin and she was light as a feather. She was confused that he didn't die. She throw herself at him. Embracing him with a hug. She sighed in relief as joy ran through her body. "Were you sent to me by Heaven?"

"No." he said almost in disgust.

"But no mortal has lived after touching me."

"I'm different." He said looking away from her. But then an idea popped in his head. "Do you still have the angel of deaths curse?" She nodded her head. "Then let me help you." he smiled.

"Really." she smiled looking at him with hopeful eyes.

"Let's make a deal."

"But a deal is the devils doing."

"Maybe, but do you want to live with that cures of yours?" She said no. "Then take my hand." She hesitated as she placed her hand in his. He gripped her hand pulling her to him. As he did so, their lips touched as he invaded her mouth. She gasped. To him she tasted like honey and smelled like a new born baby.

"I feel weird." She said braking the kiss as she places her hands between her legs. She moved her legs as it moved her dress up. "It's as if I have to release something."

He had no idea what she was talking about. Did she reach climax just by kissing? Not knowing what to do he said," relax your body."

She did so as he smelled urine. He pinch the bridge of his nose as he felt bad for making her pee herself. Even though she still smelled like a new born she must have not had the body long.

To Spirit the human body was interesting. She wanted to know more about what he did a moment ago but she was so concentrated on the thigh feeling to release, that she could not ask. "Thank you." she smiled.

He pinch his nose harder," come let's clean you up." He gave her his hand as the head back to the churches direction.

"No, not to the church."

This surprised him. "Alright, I have a place not to far. We'll go there okay." She nodded her head as she followed him.

Note I did not edit it please forgive my error as that goes for my other chapter that I have posted. Please vote and/or comment.

Her Deal with the Devil [Book 1] (#Wattys2016)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant