Chapter 11

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Spirit ran as fast as her weak, new, legs can take her. Never in her entire existence had she seen a person kill another person. She had only ever saw the aftermath of man's destruction. And even that site made her feel ill. But her friend Bunny always said it was the doing of the devil, Lucifer. Where ever he goes, destruction followed. It was the angels doing to clean up after 'him', before he trapped poor souls down in the deeps if the burning flames of hell.

The more she ran the more tired she got as she slowed her pace, slowly bring it down to a walk. She felt her lungs burn and her stomach twist in pain as she stopped for a moment. Taking deep breaths, she gazed up at the night sky, wishing that she was able to just fly and ask forgiveness until she could no more.

She felt her tears run down cheeks as she silently prayed for guidance. She then closed her eyes in shame as she looked down to the floor. Opening them once more, her thoughts became consumed of Lucifer. Did he mean to show her such things, such crime? She didn't know and right now all she wanted to do was speak to the Lord.

As if her prayers were answered, she looked up to see a crying woman walking across her. She watched the woman go up a flit of stairs and enter into the church. Spirit's mouth dropped. Was this church here this whole time, she thought.

She walked up the stairs and slowly made her way inside the church. Almost hesitating as if she would be punished for entering. She felt dirty and ashamed and she didn't know why she felt like that. Slipping into the large church door, as if a child was sneaking around, she was at an awe.

The church was filled with brown oak benches, statues of saints stood in front of each window, floors filled with red carpet, and a large cross that was placed all the way down the church. She wanted to cry at how beautiful this church was. Just standing here made her closer to God.

"Are you alright," a man asked who stood next her making her jump as she grasped.

She glanced up at the man and his thick dark brown hair and silvery gray eyes. He was tall but not as tall as Lucifer buy six foot five. Gazing at his clothes he wear all black with a white collar. "Father?" she asked.

"Yes, my child," he smiled as if to brake the strange atmosphere around them.

"I have sinned," she said quickly bowing her head to the floor in shame. She didn't know why but if she confused maybe what was eating her will come out so she could understand what this feeling was. This aching pain in her heavy heart.

"Wait my child," he said before Spirit could speak again.

"Oh but Father I must. I must speak or I fear I'll never understand what I'm feeling. It feels as if it's eating me and I don't know what it could be."

He placed a hand on her shoulder as she felt an uneasy shiver run down her spine. With a smile, "I never said you couldn't speck. Let's do this in a more private way, in the confession booth," he said extending his arm out to show the way.

Guiding Spirit to the confession booth that was on the other side of the church. She looked at the very few people that were praying. One was a small family of three. A mother, a father and a young boy. The young boy looked towards her and stared. It almost surprised her, she stopped and stared some more. She had a feeling that something bad would happen.

The young boy's mother elbowed him and he went back to praying.

The Father asked if she was alright, looking back at him she nod and continued to follow him. But as she walked up to this booth she could still feel the child's eyes on her.

The Father opened the confession booth door, she had went in and sat down as he closed. A few seconds passed before a small square door from the wall opened, scaring her. "Now child," the father spoke. "Let's start with you name."

It's so dark, she thought. "I'm called Spirit, Father."

"Spirit," he said as if it brought him great pleasure to say it, "What is it that you have come to confuses?"

"I have sinned greatly. You will not believe me but just a few nights ago, I was an angel of death. I disobey our Lord and made a deal with the devil the same day. In this human body I have tasted almost every seven sin and I fear that even though I want to return back to who I was before that I would want to stay human. Even though I don't understand, I fear that I have fallen in love with the devil himself... I'm sorry father, I must sound crazy to you." Tears ran down her face as she relised her true feelings.

"No, you don't... Spirit?"

"Yes, Father." Spirit whipped the tears away from her cheeks.

"It's been a long time."

"What?" She had no idea what he was talking about until she felt the room get smaller. She busted through the door of the booth and fell on the floor as the Father came out of the booth. Getting on her feet she saw that it was only her and him alone in the church. "Who are you?" she yelled.

"You can't remember the infant that you save all those years ago," he questioned her.

"No it can't be." She back up and he followed her.

He smiled, "The call me X, now, my love. I finally have you."

"No," her body shiver as he took both her wrists into his large hands.

"You will be forever mine," he said licking his lips with his snake tongue.


Her Deal with the Devil [Book 1] (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now