Chapter 10

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"Is this what you wanted to show me?" she asked. "Was this you're doing?" Spirit's shaky voice made him almost smile.

"Like your rules we do not interfere with human affairs. This is all the humans doing. This is who they are." He smiled. "These are the sins that you angels refused to see. What our father refused to see. Sooner or later this will be what you will become."

"No," she whispered. "I refuse to believe such lies. Humanity is good." He watch her tears fall as her bottom lip quivered. "It's because of you. This is all you're doing! You are responsible for the evil that lays in the hearts of the people. You made them like this."

"I'm trying to help you understand."

"With what?! How you just had that man killed?"

"I did not kill him. It was man. You angels are all alike. You think everything and everyone is pure as the day as they were born but that's lie. It is they who break the law. It is they who refuse to follow the rules and the freedom of law. Now who does that sound like Spirit?"

"Why are you doing this to me? What did I do that I had to see such a crime? Do you hate me that much?" she said ignoring his response. Her small body shivered in angry as she spun on her heel and ran.

Lucifer watched her, afraid to follow he just watched. He watched her go until she was no longer in his sight. He felt cold and alone were he stood. In the first time of his life. He felt that he did the biggest mistakes of his entire life.

Just a few hours ago he thought he was doing something right. He wanted to show her what life is like as a human. I should have known better.

Spirit is too pure to see such things. I should have waited until tomorrow to take her, he thought to himself taking a glance at the dead body sitting inside the car.

"Are you really going to let me out? But I'm a danger. If I touch someone..."

"Don't worry." He interrupted with a smile. "Remember our deal? If I kiss you..."

"I can touch anyone for one hour," she said finishing the sentence, "And if we have sex," she than add with a smile showing no fear, "it will last a day!" She was over joyed. If only she knew how sinful sex was to an angel and a demon, she would be disgusted by the thought. "Can we do sex," she blushed, "you said once that I would bring great pleasure."

Lucifer couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. She was still young and naive as the day she was created. So innocent and so small. He would break her and never stop until she become pregnant with his child. The poor thing didn't know what she signed herself up for.

"No," he touched her shoulder as she gave him a little shiver. "You are still too young and fragile."

"I don't understand?" she tilted her head to the side making him look away. If he didn't he would have thrown her in bed and take her without permission. He was trying to do all he could to not loss control. To not strip her into nothing and kiss her entire, naked, body. He could almost imagine the sweet taste of her forbidden juice on his lips. His mouth begin to water at the thought of ravishing her, spilling his seed inside her and have her cry out his name until everyone around them knew his name.

Yes, he nodded to himself. That's what I want, he thought.

Spirit watched his eyes became hazed and feared that he may have gotten angry with her. She looked down to her toes to wait for him to break the silence between them. But he didn't speck, he was quite. Maybe he was thinking, she thought.

Her Deal with the Devil [Book 1] (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now