Chapter 14

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Spirit woke to the sound laughter, pain, and her body was oddly hot. She was uncomfortable and uneasy at the same time, she didn't know why. Lifting her heavy eye lids, her eyes rolled, taking a look around her surroundings. She didn't see anyone and she didn't remember where she was.

Closing her eyes she lifted her body as she groaned in pain. "Careful now," a familiar voice spoke. "I got a little carried away," when Spirit was in the sitting position she slowly opened her eyes. Glaring at the end of the bed was a man sitting in a thrown chair where a shadow covered over his upper body. Only his lower body was shown as four women surrounded his chair.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Spirit spoke. Her mouth felt so dry that she was a little surprised that she was able to talk.

"Aww, the same old questions. Who are you? What do you want?" he said, mocking her. "I'm surprised you forgot me already. My little angel, I finally have you and nothing is going to stop me from making you mine forever." He got up slowly as the women pulled away. Walking into the light Spirit saw the sly smile of the devil. Where a priest's outfit, his hair was black while his hair covered half of his face and pure green eyes.

Spirit remembered those eyes. She had seen them many times over her lifetime. "Xander," Spirit whispered.

"Haven't heard that name in a long time," he frowned.

"What are you doing?" fear covered her face as she watched his frown slowly curl into a smile.

"What do you think," he asked raising his arms in the air, "What should have done a long time ago. But with you by my side, I can finally do what I was meant to do."

"And what is that," she asked pressing her back on the bed board.

"Together. You and I are going to rule Heaven and Hell. We'll rule the world together. We. Will. Be. Gods." He laughed as the women from before surrounded him as they laughed with him.

Spirit gasped, she couldn't believe what he was saying. Rule Heaven and Hell. Maybe father was right, she thought, I shouldn't have let him live. This was not what she was hoping for the small infant child all those years ago. She wanted the boy to grow up strong, healthy, a man of his word, a man who would do great things. But this was not what she imagined.

She jumped out of the bed to the left side and rushed to the door. Turning the nob of the door she inhaled as her eyes widen. "No," she whispered. It was a closet. She body shook as she slowly shut the closet door. She was trapped. When she heard the clicking sound of the door, her eyes glued to the closet door that know had a mirror on it.

Her hands moved slowly to her long hair. It wasn't blond like it was before. It was brown. Her eyes were no longer blue but of a gold color. It was like she was seeing her self for the first time. She knew her face but her hair and eye color where not what she remembered. "What have you done to me," she voice shook as she eyes drifted towards Xander's reflection in the mirror.

"I did nothing to you. This is the punishment for braking a demon deal, my love."

"I never broke any fuckin deal," she yelled spinning around. She quickly covered her mouth. She couldn't believe what she just said. She just cursed.

"Your deal was to never let another man to touch you sexual, like the things Lucifer does to you." Her eyes widen as she inhaled deeply, holding her breath. Xander gave her a devilish grin. "Yes, my love. You broke that deal."

"No, how..." she feel to her kneels. "What happening to me?"

"You are a demon now, my love. And all you have to thank is Lucifer. He tricked you into the deal and now you can never return turn to the Heavens." No, this can't be.

"No! You're lying!" Spirit yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Am I," he asked frowning, bending down to be down to eye level. "You made a deal with the devil."

"How can I fix it," she said grading on to Xander's arm.

Xander couldn't help but grin. "You can't."

No, no this can't be happening. All this time, why. She cried softly to herself. If she didn't make that deal with Lucifer she wouldn't have to be in this dilemma. Curling her fingers into fist, she squeezed as she let her tears fall. Spirit felt an odd feeling of hate. So much that it made her blood boil to the point it hurt.

Did God hate her so that he had to torture her to the point that she hard to be sent to a living Hell. Was this her punishment for giving life? For being the very thing he wanted in an angel. Caring, loving, sparing, the very this God himself was. Did he fear Spirit so that he had planned it all out just to torture her? Made a deal with the devil, brake it and become the very thing she despised the most. Has he finally abandoned her? Her own father?

"Take my hand, my Angel and together we will return to the Heavens. We will destroy the man that calls himself our God and we will make a new age where no one will have to go through what we have gone through. No more death, no more sickness, no more hate. We will make a new age, together," he said giving out his hand. She hesitated for Xander hand. "No more abandonment," her eyes grow as she took her hand and placed in onto his. "Together," Xander smiled.

"Together," she smiled back.

Her Deal with the Devil [Book 1] (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now