Louis! Not again!

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Lovely's <3

So, here it starts all over again. Vote, comment, fan but the most important... ENJOY this story! 


Youé's POV:

'Swagger Jagger, Swagger Jagger. You should get some of your own..' blasted into my ears. I'm walking to my singing studio. That's where my life is. I love singing and a lot more, but I'm bad at everything I try... Yes, it really is true. Once I tried to play hockey, I punched someone in the face with the stick. I tried to do dance... Broke my leg. Tried to play the piano... let's say that the piano broke?

Yeah, uhmm... that's why I sing, you don't have to do any weird things with your body and I can't hurt someone with a stick, or break a piano. It's just that I can't sing that good. 'Up all night' by One Direction is playing now. I like One Direction, they are great singers. There are five of them, right? Yeah.. And one of them has a girlfriend, Laura Stone, I think. I just know their songs, nothing else, so girls, don't freak out when somebody shows me a poster of them and I don't know that it's One Direction!

"Do it all with you," I sing, still walking. Looked left and right, crossing the street. Then I hear a car coming from behind. Shit.

It hits me hard enough to fall down on the ground. "LOUIS NOT AGAIN!" I hear someone scream. Ouch, that really did hurt.

"Are you alright? Gosh i'm so sorry," I hear somebody say. A good looking boy helps me up and puts me down on my feet. "Yeah, I think so," but then I feel my hip, I lift my shirt a little up and see a huge bruise, it's blue and red. "Shit," the boy says and I put my shirt down. Then another 4 boys come out of the car and run to us. 'Who did you hit now? you idiot! We can't let him drive any more," they say. Wow, all good-looking guys. One curly, one black haired, 2 JB hair styles, but from one boy's parting is on the other side and a blond one. One word... HOT. But they all look too hot, too perfect, fake and arrogant, yeah i know it isn't fair to judge them now, but that's how I am.

"I'm sorry, SOMEBODY clearly doesn't know how to drive," the one with the black hair says. "I'm fine, boys," I say but then my hip hurts to much and one of the boys with the JB haircut catches me. "Clearly you're not. We have to take you to a hospital or get you to a doctor," he says. Oh no, not to the hospital. "No! No, I'll live," I say and try to stand up straight, but I fail miserably. "Let's take her to our place" Curly says. "NO HARRY," they scream and I giggle. They turn around and look at me. "You're funny," I say.

They discuss for a while but then I really can't stand on my feet anymore. The one that is supporting me sees it and lifts me up, laying me on the backseat of the car. I move a little, try to sit up but it hurts really bad, "Ouch," I say and he looks worried. "Where does it hurt?" he asks me. "My hip," I say and he looks at my shirt. "Can I..." he asks and I nod. He lifts it up a little and gasps. "It looks pretty bad, we really have to take you." The other boys come into the car and the boy who's with me lays my legs on his knees so that I don't have to move. 

"You're going with us to our place,"Curly says. "Err," I say a little irritated. "Boys, I don't know you, in fact you could be kidnapping me right now, so..." Their smiles fade. "Doesn't she know?" the one with the Irish accent says. They get themselves back together and smile at me. "Do we really look like we're kidnapping you?" I shake my head. "No, you don't. I'll come with you, but I want to know your names first," I say and the Irish answers me.

"I'm Niall, this is Zayn, Louis, Liam and that is Harry," he says pointing to each one of them. "And what is you name, beautiful?" Curly asks me. Harry. Really, beautiful? Gosh, I'm not a piece of good looking meat. Tss, I knew he was arrogant.

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