The Long Game (Derek x Reader)

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Warning: Derek being abused and injured. 

Y/N couldn't keep her lips from forming into a smirk as she saw Derek's picture appear on her phone. She had just moved back to Beacon Hills earlier today into her new apartment. She had spent most of the day unpacking her boxes, and was already in bed watching a movie on her laptop. She quickly swiped her thumb across the phone and answered. "Hello, stranger. It's after midnight. No guy ever calls a girl after midnight except for one-"

"Y/N..." Derek interrupted followed by a loud growl. Y/N could hear Derek's heartbeat going crazy and his labored breathing. What caught her attention was hearing another heartbeat. "I need you."

His voice was filled with worry, which caused Y/N to sit up straight in her bed alarmed. "Derek, where are you?"

"I don't know..." he whispered unexpectedly. He no longer sounded like he was in pain or fighting against someone. He now sounded weak and hurt.

"Derek, I need you to talk to me. What do you see?" She asked as she quickly got out of bed to get dressed.

"I can't... see anything..." he mumbled. She rushed as she heard his heartbeat getting weaker by the second.

She swallowed hard as she closed her eyes, letting a tear fall down her cheek. She was absolutely terrified for him. "Derek... I'm going to come and get you, okay? But I need to call Stiles to help me. Can you answer the phone if I call you back?"

"My phone... is going to die..."

"Fuck!" She whispered to herself. She put on her shoes as an idea crossed her mind. "After you hang up with me, turn off your phone and save the battery for about 10 minutes. That'll be about the time it will take me to get to Stiles' office at the police station. I'll call you back but you have to answer, okay?"

"O... kay..." he mumbled weakly.

"Derek?" Her voice trembled. He hummed a small 'yes'. "Please answer the phone."

"I promise," he said before he hung up and turned off his phone like he was told to do.

Y/N grabbed her keys before rushing to her car. Her fingers trembled as she dialed Stiles' number. For some strange reason a flashback flooded her mind to the first time she went to Stiles for help with Derek.

"Hey, Lahey," Stiles greeted Y/N as she sat next to him. "What's up?"

"I need your advice," she said.

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't take this the wrong way, but why don't you ask your twin brother?"

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Isaac is useless when it comes to love advice."

"That's true. The only thing that boy likes are his scarfs." She giggled at Stiles' sarcastic comment. "I don't know how much I can help you, but I can try my best. If my advice sucks, just remember you came to me when you could have gone to Lydia first."

"Lydia won't help either. Actually, she can't know about this either," she said quietly.

"Wow..." Stiles eyes widened a little bit. "This must be serious."

She nodded her head. "I need help planning a ten year plan."


"Just like you have one for Lydia," she answered, purposely ignoring his question.

"Yes. I get that, but who do you want to have a ten year plan for?" He pressed on.

She shrugged it off as if the 'who' wasn't important. "I just need you to give me some pointers and tips, and I'll be good from there. I just need that little push to get me going, ya know?"

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