It's A Date (Scott x Reader)

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Scott was drying a Labrador puppy, Rocket, after giving him a bath. Scott dried Rocket's ears with the corner of the cotton towel, making sure he's all clean and ready when Rocket's owner would pick him up in about an hour.

Rocket shook his fur, trying to dry himself when Deaton yelled from the other room, "Scott, can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah," Scott answered normally as he smiled at the dog after kissing his forehead and scratched the back of his ears.

"What?" Deaton yelled a little louder, unsure if he heard Scott say something.

Scott chuckled as he picked up Rocket and walked over to the next room. "I forget not everyone has super hearing like me. What's up?" Scott asked as he carefully put Rocket in a cage.

"Someone dropped off a box of kittens that were abandoned behind a dumpster. I've already checked them and given them their proper shots, but I don't have room to have them here."

"Okay...?" Scott was confused as to where exactly this conversation was going and afraid the favor would be to watch the kittens himself. He didn't mind cats, but cats didn't like him.

"I was wondering if you could drop them off to Miss Betty's?" Deaton asked as he put the last baby kitten in a new small box filled with towels. "She's a sweet lady who takes care of newborn animals until they're ready to be adopted. They're too young to be on their own. They need proper care and Miss Betty has always been good with animals."

"Sure. Just give me the address and I'll go right now, if they're ready," he pointed at the box.

Deaton nodded as he slid the box closer to Scott. The baby kittens immediately started making small noises, almost sounding like screeching. Scott slowly slid the box back towards Deaton. "Cats never liked me. You know, werewolf and all." His lips formed a small smirk.

Deaton chuckled. "I'll put them on the floor in the backseat for you. Miss Betty lives on 1854 Oaks Lane."

Scott grabbed the keys to his mom's car and headed towards Miss Betty's house.


"Coming!" Y/N ran down the stairs, two steps at a time, after someone had rung the doorbell. She flung the door wide open and took in the teenage boy in front of her. His dark hair was short and clean. His chocolate brown eyes lit up with so much sparkle. He had a crooked jaw with thin lips, which were slightly parted; completely unaware Scott was admiring her as well.

Scott was completely mesmerized the second his eyes landed on the curly haired brunette. Her eyes were emerald green with flecks of gold around the edge of her irises. Her freckles were lightly spread across her high cheekbones and on her cute little button nose. Her perfect bow shaped lips were pink and full. She was, without a doubt, breathtaking.

Scott's heart was racing and realized hers was racing just as fast. He couldn't help but smile. "Hi. I'm sorry. I must have the wrong house. I was looking for Miss Betty's."

Deaton described Miss Betty as a sweet lady causing Scott to assume she was an older woman. Not the beautiful, young teenager standing in front of him.

"Oh no!" Y/N squeaked a little too loudly. She closed her eyes as she winced in embarrassment, absolutely mortified that awful sound literally came out of her mouth in front of a cute guy.

Scott's lips widened as a small flush of heat appeared underneath her freckles. She cleared her throat and tried to regain her composure. "You have the right house. My grandma had to go to the pet store to get a couple of things before the kittens were coming..." Her voiced trailed realizing why this boy was in front of her. "Which I'm guessing you have...?" Her statement sounded more like a question.

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