Marry Your Daughter (Jordan Parrish x Reader)

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Note: This imagine was inspired by Brian McKnight's song, "Marry Your Daughter." His lyrics are used in this imagine. Those lyrics belong to Brian McKnight. I do NOT own them.

Jordan walks around in (Y/N)'s parents living room, looking at the pictures displaying around the room. Walking towards the pictures on top of the fireplace, he sees the pictures he's seen over the past three years, a wedding portrait, family photo, prom pictures, and childhood images. He smiles when he sees a photo of a wide smiling little girl with a missing front tooth. She's about 8 years old and wearing a fluffy pink dress, a tiara on top of her curled hair, with a wand in her hand and a candy bag in the other. That little girl is now his girlfriend of three years.

Next to that photo is (Y/N) prom picture. Jordan's heard her stories of what she's was like in high school, but he's always wondered what it would be like if they had met in high school; instead they met in their early 20s. She was 22 and he was 24. Jordan pulled over in his deputy car when he saw a parked truck on the side of the road with the emergency lights on and the front hood popped opened. Jordan isn't the kind to not offer help when needed, especially when he's on the clock.

"Excuse me, do you need some help?" Jordan asked standing next to the truck as the hood blocked whoever was under it.

It was so quite his voice startled (Y/N), making her head hit the hood. "Ow!" (Y/N) shouts.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Jordan said apologetically.

"It's fine," (Y/N) rubs her head. "It's not the battery, the spark plugs look fine, and the belt isn't busted. It might be the radiator. I don't seem to have any antifreeze or water to cool it down. Do you by any chance have any?"

She had a hair pulled back in a high ponytail. She was wearing a white tank top with fresh grease stains and shorts that showed off her tanned toned legs. Jordan wasn't expecting a beautiful young lady, let alone one who knew what's under the hood of her truck.

"S-s-sorry," he stutters. "I don't have any, but, um, I can call triple a and give you a lift?"

"That would be great. Thank you so much Officer..." She lingered.

"It's actually Deputy, but you can call me Jordan," he offers his hand for a shake.

"Nice to meet you, Jordan." She sticks out her hands and quickly pulls it back. "Sorry, grease stains." She laughs as she wiped her hand on her tank top. "I'm (Y/N)"

On that day something came over Jordan. His heart was beating faster than normal; he couldn't stop smiling at her during the ride to the auto shop, and he had never been that nervous before. He knew she was the one and in that moment he swore he knew he say, "I do" to her someday.

Jordan snaps back as (Y/N)'s father walks in the living room with two cold beers in his hand.

"It's nice to see you. Where's (Y/N)?" your father sits down in his favorite recliner and hands Jordan his beer.

"She's at Lydia's bachelorette party tonight." Jordan grabs the beer when (Y/Father's/N) hands his beer and remains standing. Jordan twists the cap off and takes a huge gulp. He swipes the sweat from his forehead and starts to pace in front of the fireplace.

"Jordan, is everything okay?" your father asks worriedly.

"Yes, sir. I'm just a bit nervous about why I'm here. I'm still not real sure what I'm going to say, so please bear with me." Jordan says nervously as he continues to pace.

Your father sense where this is going and nods for Jordan to continue.

"(Y/N) has been there every step since the day we met. I can't imagine my life without her and I'm scared to death to think what would happen if she ever left. I'd like to say you know me pretty well by now and you'd know I would never treat her bad or hurt in any way. I want her to be the only girl that I'll love for the rest of my life and give her the best of me until the day I die."

Jordan pauses. He sort of relaxes a little after getting started, but that doesn't mean the nerves have gone away. He can still feel the sweat continuing to form on his forehead. Jordan takes a seat on the sofa next to the recliner your father is sitting on.


"Please, Sir. Let me get it out before my nerves take over." Jordan says politely and continues. "I swear to you with all my heart, there's no doubt in my mind. I'm ready to start my life with your daughter and give her the life she deserves, helping her make her dreams come true, and stand by her side as she has been standing next to me."

Jordan pulls out a little blue box tied with a white ribbon out of his pocket and places it on the coffee table without opening to reveal the princess cut diamond ring.

"In this box is a ring for your oldest. I'd like to marry your daughter and make her my wife. I know she's your little princess but I'd like to make her my queen. She's my everything and it would be great if I knew that we were on the same page. May I have your blessing to marry (Y/N)?"

At the end of Jordan's speech, your father has tears in his eyes, "Son, there's no one else I would rather have as my son-in-law than you."

Jordan eyes begin to form tears and smiles at your father. Your father stands up, and hugs Jordan. "Welcome to the family, son."

"Thank you, Mr. (Y/L/N)." Jordan says as he returns the gesture.

"Once you pop the question, you can call me dad."

Jordan smiles at the thought of calling your father, dad.

Your father continues, "When do you think you'll ask her?"

"I'm not sure exactly when. Soon. I have to plan it but you'll be the first to know of course." Jordan explains.

"You gave me one heck of a speech, I can only imagine how you'll propose and say during your vows," your dad chuckles.

"Well, I got most of my vows done so far," Jordan admits shyly.

Together they laugh and sit back to watch the football game that would start shortly. Jordan relaxes knowing the hardest part is over. His future father-in-law gave him the green light and all he could think about how beautiful you'll look in white. A smile forms on his face as he pictures (Y/N) walking down the aisle on the arm of her father, on their wedding day. He couldn't wait to say, "I do."

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