Changes (Chris Argent)

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They say change is good, but when your whole life is constantly changing for the worse, you begin to wonder where's the good in it. My first change was when I was 4 and my father was murdered during a gas station robbery while trying to save and protect a pregnant woman. This led to a dark curve ball, as my mom not only took it hard, but found drugs and alcohol as an escape, which led to losing her job. We'd stay in different cheap hotels most nights. Sometimes we'd sleep in the car. Eventually, she found men who weren't exactly the marriage material kind and only wanted one thing. One day, while driving into Beacon Hills, she dropped me off at my grandma's while she went out that night. The next morning, there was a knock on the door from an officer, explaining my mother died from an overdose the night before at some cheap motel. I was only 8.

Grandma was the only family I had left, but in the back of mind, I knew I would lose her soon too. She was good for her age, but I knew eventually her time would be up. Seven years later, at age 15, life decided to throw me another cruel change, grandma died in her sleep. If I hadn't met Allison Argent at Beacon Hills High, I wouldn't have known what to do. Her and her father, Chris Argent, took me in. We'd all lost someone but some together we balanced each other. She was the sister I never had. Chris was the father I knew my father would have been to me. We were a family who always understood the grief we always had and never went away, but at least we had each other.

Allison introduced me to her friends, which led me to me meeting my boyfriend, Isaac Lahey. She set us up knowing we liked each other, but Isaac and I didn't have the slightest clue. Slowly but surely, I fell in love with Isaac, and my love for him only grew with every passing day. I fell in love with his flaws, mistakes, smiles, laughter, jokes, sarcasm, everything. He became my best friend, someone I could tell everything to: my terrible past, my dreams, and my wishes.

Things were finally turning up, and I thought the worst was gone for good. Wrong.

Life changed once again when Allison sacrificed herself to save and protect her friends. I was devastated. I couldn't believe how cruel life was to lose this many people in my life in such a short amount of time. It wasn't fair. I couldn't understand why I deserved this horrible life, to a point where it had me thinking I shouldn't hold on to anything so close anymore, because eventually it'll be gone in the blink of an eye.

However, fate had other plans for me, and threw me a curve ball I wasn't expecting.

I sat at the dining table, waiting patiently for Chris to come back from the grocery store. My eyes began to drift off into the white bland walls, lingering into different scenarios of how Chris would react. Sure, I've know him for almost two years, but I still didn't know him well enough to know if he'll flip out, or worse kick me out of the apartment when I told him. A huge part of me was hoping it wouldn't be the ladder.

The sound of the locks unlocking pulled me out of my thoughts. My eyes flickered towards the door as Chris walked in with two bags, one in each hand, and closed the door with his foot.

"Need a hand?" I asked.

"I got it," Chris yelled over his shoulder as he made his way into the kitchen. A few minutes later he finished putting the items away and returned to the dining room. "I got enough food that'll last us for the week."

I smile weakly, thinking I'm now eating for two, and she is probably half werewolf. If the baby is half werewolf, would I be hungry even more than a normal pregnant woman would? I blinked, trying to push my thoughts aside.

"Hey, what's up?" Chris must have noticed my worried expression as he pulled out the chair and sat down in front of me.

"Umm, I kind of need to tell you something..." My eyes focused on my fingernail scratching the table's surface. "And it's life changing news..." I trailed still avoiding Chris' eyes, but I felt them steady on me, eager to know what I'm trying to say. "And I need some advice on it too."

"Oookay," Chris stressed out the word.

"I'm, umm," I swallowed the sob forming at the back of my throat trying to escape. I finally looked up at Chris who looked worried. My eyes began to fill with warm water, as I knew the next word I was about to say would make my situation real. "Pregnant," I finished my sentence in a lower whisper, but Chris heard it, loud and clear.

Then the unexpected happened. Chris smiled and his eyes got watery. He pulled me into a tight hug. This wasn't the reaction I was expecting. I expected him yelling at me, telling me I made a stupid mistake, and to pack my bags.

"Congratulations," Chris pulled back and gave me another smile.

"Thanks," I half smiled.

"What's wrong? Are you not happy about this?"

"I don't know honestly. I'm only 17 and still in high school." I crossed my arms to my chest tightly and bowed my head.

"Yes, you may be young, but I would think this is some sort of blessing." My eyes avert back to Chris. "Besides, you won't be alone. You're more than welcome to stay here as long as you need. We have a spare room in this new apartment that we can turn into a nursery and Isaac can move in with you. Plus, I'll help out as much as I can. You're family, we look out for one another."

I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones or me feeling grateful and relieved, or a combination of both, but tears flooded out of the water gates. I hugged Chris and whispered a thank you. I honestly didn't know what else to say and I felt like somehow that still wasn't enough.

"Can I ask you some questions?" He asked.

"Of course," I swiped away the tears with the back of my hands.

"How far along are you?"

"I took a test a month ago and it was positive. I saw Melissa McCall the next day and she confirmed it. I'm now 3 1/3 months pregnant." I could tell Chris was a little hurt I didn't tell him first and went to Melissa instead. "No one else knows. I made her promise not to tell anyone cause I just wasn't ready." Chris nodded in understanding. "Not even Isaac knows yet."

Chris' eyes widen in disbelief. "You haven't you told him yet?"


"Why not?" I noticed the curiosity in his eyes.

"Because I'm afraid to tell him." He didn't need to say anything for me to know his follow up question, so I continued. "He came from a horrible childhood. I had one too. I'm afraid I'll end up like my mother if I'm not dead first, and I unexpectedly lose Isaac too soon. I'm afraid if something happens to me, Isaac will be scared he'll turn out to be like his father, and prevent it from happening by leaving our daughter with someone else." I slipped out the gender of the baby without even realizing it.

Chris immediately shook his head. "It won't be like that." He reassured me. "Look, you both lost a parent at a very young age and unexpectedly, and somehow ended up with a shitty parent who should have known better than to have treated you the way they did. They should have given you a better childhood." He sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so harshly straight forward."

"No, don't be. You're right."

"But because of that, their mistakes and your terrible childhood, it's what makes you different from them. So many kids in that kind of situation would have acted out shortly after that happened, looked for drugs to numb the pain, drowned their sorrows with alcohol, and repeated their parents' mistakes, but you and Isaac? You guys didn't do that because you don't want to be like them. Which is why I believe you'll be great parents. You've experienced something you would never want your daughter to go through and something you would never do to her." Chris let out a deep breath. "You can't avoid death, we both know that, Isaac knows that, but you can avoid repeating your parents mistakes, and something already tells me you and Isaac won't do that."

He was right. Chris understood why I was so scared about being pregnant. It wasn't because I was young, or scared Isaac would leave me or ask me to get rid of it, it's because I'm afraid my daughter will relive the horrors her parents went through with her grandparents. We can't prevent the curve balls life throws our way, but we can decide to make a choice to take a chance or our lives will never change. I choose to take a chance on Isaac and our unborn daughter. I don't know where life will take us with that, but I'm willing to find out with Isaac, our daughter, and Chris; my family.

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