Mexican Food (Pack Imagine)

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It's pack night and it's Scott's turn to host this weekend. The pack started their sleepover with a game of Truth or Dare Jenga while Melissa cooked Mexican food in the kitchen. She couldn't help but smile when laughter roared from the living room. The kids needed a break from their supernatural troubles and she was glad the kids were finally being normal teenagers.

Once the food was ready, Melissa brought the food over to the living room before heading out for her night shift at the hospital. "Please clean up after yourselves and no party. I do not want to come home to find the house upside down."

"I swear, no one else is coming," Scott gave his mom a quick peck on the cheek. "We just want a night to ourselves."

"Okay, call me if you need anything." She hugged him before closing the door behind her.

"Alright, let the Avengers movie marathon begin!" Scott grinned as he popped in the first movie.

"This looks amazing," Stiles grabbed a paper plate and started filling it with Mexican food.

"I told my mom I wanted Mexican tonight."

"Smart choice," Y/N grabbed a fajita taco.

Soon everyone filled their plates with tacos, nachos, tamales, rice, and beans as they watched the movie. About an hour into the movie, Liam started squirming.

Y/N turned to face Liam, "Are you okay?"

Liam shook his head as his hand rested on his torso. "My stomach is acting weird."

"Excuse me!" Kira erupted out of the living room, followed by the sound of the bathroom door slamming down the hallway a few seconds later.

"She must not be-" Scott winced. "Feeling good. Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom."

Lydia stood up quickly and following behind Scott as she mumbled, "can I use your mom's bathroom?"

Scott gave her the okay before he ran to his room as Lydia rushed to the master bathroom in his mother's room. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed looking back at Liam and Stiles. "What's going on?"

"I don't know but I don't feel good either," Liam groaned.

"Must be the dinner or something," Stiles licked the nacho cheese from his fingers. "I don't see anything wrong with the food," Stiles smiled. "Maybe it only effecting those who are supernatural."

Liam's eyes went wide and quickly turned towards Y/N. "Promise me no matter what happens next, you'll still find me irresistible and cute?"

Stiles snorted as Y/N smiled. "Liam, you're my boyfriend. I'll always love you no matter-"

The sound of passing gas erupted unexpectedly, causing Stiles to burst into laughter. "Oh my god! That's hilar-"


Stiles quickly shut up as his eyes widened.

"Ugh," Y/N groaned. "Did you have to fart twice babe? You're going to stink up the whole room."

Liam's eyes narrowed. "Excuse you, I only farted once, babe. The second one wasn't me."

The couple's eyes quickly averted to Stiles who looked embarrassed. "It might have been me," he whispered.

Liam heard Y/N's stomach growling and noticed her wincing in pain. "Are you okay babe?"

Y/N's hand slid to her stomach. "No, my stomach hurts too."

Kira walked out of the bathroom groaning but before anyone could ask her what's wrong, Y/N bolted for the restroom.

"Are you okay, Kira?" Liam asked.

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