Library Pick Up Lines (Jackson x Reader)

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I walked into the library with my last errand for the day. I'm an office aide so my last period is usually running errands around school for the secretary and principal. It involves going to classes to have teachers sign some last minute forms, passing down messages or memos, and flyers that needed to be passed out to the students before the final bell rang. I didn't mind it one bit. I like helping others. Plus, this was an easy A and would look great for my college applications.

As I made my way to the front desk where Mr. Harris was talking to the students that had dentition, I took off my backpack and tucked it in a bottom cabinet behind the front desk with my purse as I volunteer at the library everyday after school. I grabbed the form Mr. Harris needed to sign and return back to the main office before he left for the day.

"Oh and one last thing," Mr. Harris said as I walked towards him. "You'll help Y/N put all of these books back on the shelf in their proper places," Mr. Harris motioned towards the overloaded carts filled with books. "The carts must be empty before you leave."

I look at the students sitting down at the tables and noticed they were all in my grade. I noticed Scott and Stiles sitting together with Allison. Erica was by herself, and Matt, Danny, and Jackson were on another table. My eyes landed on Jackson as I saw him in a deep conversation with Danny and Matt. I've always thought he was gorgeous. His brown hair was short and clean cut. I've always wanted to run my fingers through his hair because it always looked so soft and shiny. He had a cute little nose with barely visible freckles spreading across his nose and high cheekbones. He had an impressive jawline with a killer smile. Lastly, his crystal blue irises were my favorite. They were absolutely breathtaking. If I could, I would look into his eyes and get lost for hours.

To say I had a crush on him is an understatement. I've known him my entire life, but guys like him didn't notice or talk to girls like me. Beautiful people herd together as I once overheard Stiles say. I wasn't considered popular, nor was I a cheerleader, and judging by the fact I've never been asked out on a date had me thinking I wasn't as pretty or beautiful as most girls. Besides, pretty boys like Jackson are always taken and wouldn't give girls like me the time of day.

"Y/N!" Mr. Harris' voice made my head snap back at him. I blinked at him, confused. "Is that form with my name on it in your hand mine?"

"Oh," I remembered why I was standing next to him. I cleared my throat. "Yes, I'm sorry." From the corner of my eye, I could see Jackson looking my way with a smirk on his face, and suddenly I felt nervous knowing he was watching me. "You need to, um, sign this, and uhhh, turn it in," I scratched the back of my neck, "to the office before you leave." God, could I look and sound more like an idiot?

"Thanks."Mr. Harris grabbed the form from my hand. "The librarian had a family emergency and had to leave early, so they're all yours." Mr. Harris motioned towards my classmates before grabbing his briefcase and walked out of the library.

I turned towards my classmates and noticed none of them moved. I didn't mind shelving. I loved it. There's something about it that's peaceful. I just get lost in the middle of placing books in its proper place. Then when something catches my eyes, I can't help but pull out the book and see if it's interesting enough for me to read on my spare time. However, there were about 10 overloaded carts filled with books of different sizes. There was no way I would finish this on my own without staying later than usual.

"Umm," I cleared my throat loud enough to get everyone's attention. It worked because I had seven pairs of eyes on me. "They're usually sorted by the author's last name and then by the title." I said, hoping they would take the hint and help me out. I tried not to look at Jackson, but I felt his eyes on me. It was making me nervous. Did I have something on my face? Did I have a food stain from lunch?

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