Chapter Thirty-Four

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Brayden's POV

I awake with an overwhelming urge to get some fresh air. Groggily, my bare feet find the cold concrete, carrying me out of my room and towards the roof's staircase. I check the time on my phone. 10:16PM. I groan internally. I've only been asleep for five minutes.

"Brayden?" says the person I've come to envy. Like the flick of a switch, all of the sleepiness is sucked out of me and I'm wide awake.

I turn around to find AJ with his hands stuffed in the pocket of his jeans. "Where the hell have you been?" comes out of my mouth with a snarl. His eyes avert to the ground before lifting back up to mine. "You were with her." It doesn't come out as a question because I don't have to ask him. I know he was with Mia and he knows that I know. I step closer to him. "Why?"

He simply shrugs his shoulders. "She needed my help with something."

Rage makes me laugh. "She needed your help? Why not me?"

The closer I get to him, the more he has to look up at me. When I'm about two feet away from him, he says, "I don't know, maybe you aren't capable of doing some of the things that I am."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I growl, lowly, fisting my hands in his shirt.

"Brayden, let go of my shirt," AJ demands, calmly. I let go with a shove and he brushes himself off as if I've left dirt or something on him. "Last time I checked, you didn't have Transportation as a power. Unless you've suddenly become Donovan and can transfer different powers into your body."

His sarcastic tone fuels the already raging fury within me until his words click in my head. "You took her to Atlanta?!" My voice booms among the concrete walls. AJ is frozen in fear. "Answer me!"

All he does is nod.

"God damn it!" I shout. No wonder she didn't want me to know. She knew I would've stopped her. I'm pacing the floor, tugging on my hair. "I have to go after her. You have to get me to Atlanta."

"She doesn't want anyone to go with her," he says, sternly.

"I know, which means she's alone facing her father!" I explain, rather loudly and panicky. I can't believe I let her go alone. This is such a bad idea.

"Shit," he mutters under his breath.

I stop pacing to look at him with a there-you-freaking-go look. "Exactly."

"We need to go to my mom. She knows Donovan's compound inside-and-out," AJ says while wringing his fingers together.

"Let's go, then! We can't waste time. She's in danger," I reason, jutting my hand out in the direction of Monique's office.

AJ trips over his feet as he scrambles down the hallway with me trailing behind him. I send a quick prayer up to God.

Watch over her until I get there, please.

(Look out for another update really soon! I've got a few things in store for you guys 😈 much love xx )

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