Chapter Eighteen

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Mia's POV
I quickly send Brayden my address to on the drive home from the hospital while Mom asks questions about Brayden.

"No, Mom, he hasn't killed anyone," I say, rolling my eyes. "Not that I know of, at least."

Mom sits in silence for a minute, her hands resting on the bottom of the steering wheel the way she always does. When I started driving, she was giddy at the fact that I picked up the action. I smile at the memory.

"Do you think you love him?" she asks. Her voice is barely higher than a whisper.

I look over at her, perplexed beyond belief. "What? What do you mean do I think I'm in love with him? I've barely known him for a month." By the end, I'm breathless. I take a few breaths, trying to calm my wildly beating heart. I settle back into my seat, looking out the windshield. It's only been a month?

Out of my peripheral vision, I watch the corners of Mom's lips turn up into a devilish smirk. "You two have quite the connection. A unique one, at that."

I barely hear what she says because my mind is still racking over the fact that it's nearly been a month since I've met Brayden. I've been on a date with him, I've kissed him in his bedroom, I've met his father and he's met my mother and father (unfortunately), and he's met my ex and best friend all in nearly a month. How has it only been a month?

"Time flies when you're having fun, honey," Mom laughs as she pulls onto the street that leads to our home.

I scoff. "Fun? How does any of this seem fun to you? Dad has reappeared after twelve years of being gone because he wants my powers, like the greedy, sick man he is. I've broken a hand with my mind. My mind, Mom. This all seems like a dream."

The sight of Brayden on the steps leading up to my front door makes my heart pound hard against my chest and releases a very long string of butterflies into my tummy. Each flutter is followed by a pounding heartbeat, and both become stronger when Brayden's smile appears. It's brighter than a two-hundred-fifty watt light bulb in the night light.

Mom parks the car and I instinctively reach for my seat belt, but Mom's hand on my arm stops me. I look up into her eyes.

"Sometimes, you just have to say 'what the hell' and do what feels right. If you feel like being with him is right, then do it. If you feel like he's dangerous, then stay away from him." Mom pauses, making me hold my breath. She looks out the windshield at Brayden. "But the way he looks right now, with the way he's looking at you," Mom smiles, genuinely, her eyes welling with tears. "I don't think he's here to put you in danger. Maybe he'll protect you from it," Mom lowers her voice to a whisper.

Way to mess with my feelings, Mom.

The stinging of tears in my eyes grows more intense the more I digest Mom's words. She's right. Sometimes you do have to say 'what the hell' and do what feels right for you.

"I love you, Mom," my voice breaks as I lean over, enveloping her in my arms. Mom lets out a joyful laugh and the tears finally break through, falling one by one down my cheeks. Mom pulls me back, her hands cupping my face.

"I believe in you two." The look on Mom's face is entirely adoration and it makes me smile, makes my skin flush a crimson red.

"Thanks," I chuckle, wiping my index fingers underneath my eyes to wipe my wet cheeks. I look out the windshield to find Brayden standing up, his face twisted into concern. "We should probably get out of the car before he has a heart attack." I reach for the door handle as Mom lets out a full belly laugh.

I nearly stumble over my own two feet as I walk toward Brayden, who practically flies to my side, grabbing my hand to steady me. I look up at him to find him smiling down at me. Don't be traitors, knees.

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