Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Mia's POV

Packing up everything I've ever known wasn't easy, to say the least. Especially since I only had one suitcase and one duffle bag.

I threw my favorite books in the duffle bag (because how could I ever leave those behind) and picked out my favorite clothes from my closet, throwing them in my suitcase. My suitcase had limited space before I even put my clothes in it because I couldn't leave behind my record player and records. I've had it for too long to just throw it away with everything else. After a long war between my mind and heart, I tossed Brayden's drawing of me in my duffle bag, too, even if my heart stung too much when I did.

It needed to be done, I remind myself for the millionth time since I walked away from Brayden. It did. I can't be with someone who hides things from me, whether it was to keep me safe or not. It's just not right.

Before we left, Mom—thankfully—reminded me to change out of my clothes and into comfier ones. Not only would traveling in jeans be uncomfortable, my white long sleeved shirt was covered in blood. When I was picking out my outfit before the football game, I was not planning on being kicked so hard in the gut by my father that I spit up blood all over me. Then again, my life has become full of surprises, lately.

When I was changing, I noticed the deep purple bruise stretching across my stomach. It's a nasty bruise, one that'll remain for a while. At least it's not summertime, I said to myself as I pulled a tank-top over my torso, slipped my legs into a pair of sweatpants, and zipped my hoodie halfway.

Instead of riding to the airport with Brayden, I insisted Mom drive her car there. I was apprehensive about this whole thing now. Not only did I break up with Brayden—talk about making things ten times more awkward—I'm going to Rhode Island because Mom is what, an important figure to Monique? She doesn't have anyone to fill in Mom's place? Ridiculous.

Brayden waits outside the airport with two attractive boys on either side of him. Both have dark skin but other than that, they are complete opposites. The taller one has dark shaved hair, light blue eyes—nothing live Brayden's—and light facial hair covering his jaw, chin, and upper lip, you could easily tell he was older. The shorter one looks to be sixteen and has shaggy dark brown hair and milk chocolate eyes. They have to be AJ and Mason. But who's who?

"Wow, they've grown up," Mom says under her breath as she parks the car a few feet in front of them.

"Of course you know them," I growl, irritated. Throwing my door open, I get out of the car and make my way to the trunk, where my bags are. Mom meets me shortly after popping the trunk open and gives me a look.

"Be nice, Mia," Mom hisses. "They're nice boys."

I grab the handle of my drag-along and yank it out of the trunk, nearly taking out my toes as I set it on the ground. My body tenses before I even hear Brayden's Chuck Taylor's echoing against the pavement.

"Here, let me get that." His hand wraps around mine and the handle of my suitcase. My entire body ignites.

I take a deep breath, keeping my head down. "I got it." If I look into his eyes, I'll be done for.

"Hello, Ms. Quinn," a deep voice rumbles. I look up to see the taller one of the boys grabbing my duffle bag from the trunk. "It's so good to see you again."

I clear my throat. "That's mine." He looks down at the strap of the duffle bag, confused, before handing it to me. "Thanks."

"You guys have grown up so much!" Mom exclaims. "The last time I saw you two, you—" she points to the shorter boy, "—were in diapers still and you—" she points to the taller boy, "—you were, what, seven?" She laughs and so do the boys.

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