Chapter Two

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Brayden's POV

I stand outside of Corey's with the hood of my leather jacket up, shielding me from who may be around, who may be right on the tails of me and my father.

I'm never safe.

The Carolina wind is chilly as I stand outside. Should I go inside and wait for Mia? I really hope she's almost here. I check the time on my phone. 5:57pm.

I hold the door for an older woman and her husband, with a tight smile on my face. Be nice, Brayden, geez. They're just innocent people.

"Thank you, dear," the woman says, her voice a little shaky. My heart warms slightly and the male nods his head at me. Suddenly the warmth in my heart fades and I tense. Nod back, idiot. Be polite.

I run my hand through my messy hair and let out a sigh. The hairs on my arms and neck stand straight up as if someone was tugging on them. I do a 360-turn to check the area and nearly run right into someone.

"Woah, there, slick fifty," Mia laughs and her hands are on my chest. Can she feel my heart pounding thump, thump, thump against my chest? Do I look as startled as I feel on the inside on the outside? God, I hope not.

"Mia," I say, breathless. "Hi."

"Hi, Brayden. You okay?" Mia asks softly, looking a little concerned. Be careful what you let her hear, Bray.

"Of course," I smile. "You hungry?"

Mia smiles up at me as she drops her hands from my chest, the wind instantly chilling the warm spot where her hands were. I want her to put them back.

"Yes, starving," she laughs again. I'm glad she's laughing and finds this funny. We seem to be off to a good start.

I hold the door for her and she thanks me as she walks into the warm lobby of the restaurant. Mia is in worn boots, jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Her long brown hair is in a different style. It's now in a long braid over her shoulder, instead of the messy bun on top of her head like it was at school. Is she wearing makeup? Honestly, I can't tell. Not that she would ever need it.

"How many?" The woman behind the counter asks. I look at her name tag, which says her name is Caroline. I look down at Mia, who is already looking up at me. I graze my hand across her's and i know our minds are connected now. Be the man, Brayden. I know Mia hears it because she almost busts out laughing.

I clear my throat. "Two please."

Caroline nods, grabbing two menus and nods in the direction of the arrangement of tables and booths in a "right this way" type of way. I look at Mia and she looks up at me. Can she feel me looking at her?

I hold out my arm,"After you." Mia smiles and I smile and we walk, Mia behind Caroline and me behind Mia. I want to reach for her hand and hold it. I think I might scare her away if I keep letting my hormones get in the way.

Caroline leads us to a booth in the dimly lit back of the small restaurant. Mia slides into one side and I slide into the other, our knees grazing with a spark. Mia sucks in a small breath at the shock and my lips curl into a tiny smirk that I know she catches.

One touch and I can feel everything she feels.

When I touched her hand, I could feel her butterflies and her nervousness. When I tapped on her shoulder in the hallway, I felt her giddiness.

Out of My Mind (COMPLETED) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora