Chapter Fifteen

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Brayden's POV

I push away the strand of dark brown hair that has fallen onto Mia's face. She's asleep in my arms, has been for about half an hour. The hospital is quiet and I've caught myself dozing off alongside Mia twice now.

I need to stay alert.

I press my lips to Mia's forehead, making sure I don't touch her stitched wound. She stirs in her sleep, but doesn't fully wake. Instead, she pulls me closer.

I sigh. I should've found out where Adrian's room was. Whether it was close or far from Mia's. If it's close, then there's no way I'm going to be able to get out of here with a sleeping Mia and there's absolutely no way I'm going to leave a sleeping Mia here without my protection. Even if she is stronger and more powerful than I am.

It's been almost forty-five minutes since Dad and Janet left to go talk. Dad didn't say another word about Janet once we sat down and waited for Mia to be admitted. He just kept his eyes focused on the sliding double doors at the entrance of the hospital, waiting and waiting for Donovan to walk through them. But he didn't.

I look down at Mia again. My heart begins to race as my eyes travel from her high cheekbones to her pretty pink lips and I can't stop my thumb from running across her bottom lip.

My eyes are drawn to the hallway when I hear a loud thud, like something falling over, followed by a rushed, "Sorry!" Then, Dad and Janet are rushing through the door.

Time to go.

I know Dad and Janet are watching me, but I could care less as I take a breath and whisper to Mia, "Alright baby, we're gonna get you out of here," as I lift her into my arms. She stirs again, but doesn't wake up. I turn to Dad and Janet. Janet's eyes are worried, with a slight hint of adoration. Dad's are stone. "Where is he?"

Dad leans out the doorway, looking down the hall. He leans back in, looking back at me. "He walked right past us, I'm guessing on his way to Adrian's room. It's only a matter of time before he starts searching every room for Mia." Dad looks down the hallway once more. "Let's move."

I'm standing behind both Janet and Dad, trying to hide the fact that I'm smuggling a patient out of here. I keep looking behind me, making sure the coast is clear both behind me and in front.

Mia's yawn makes my heart stop beating for a few seconds. "What's going on?"

I clasp my hand around her mouth so she'll be quiet. I can't let her blow the cover. "Shh," I shush her. Her eyes are wide, frightened. I can feel her tense immensely in my arms. I pull her closer to me, curling her into my chest.

I won't let anything else happen to you, I pass my words onto her. She sighs, but is still tense. I don't blame her.


All three of us freeze in place. Dad is in mid-step. Janet's mouth has fallen open in horror. Mia looks up at me in confusion.

All of the nurses, doctors, and hospital personnel have left the building. There's not one other person beside the five of us.

I've never felt so on edge...

Suddenly, Mia is dropping down from my arms. She's unsteady on her feet, so I hold her up with my hands on her waist. I won't let her go any farther.

Mia is the first to spin around, facing the enemy.

Her gasp catches me off guard. "Dad?"

Wait, what did she just say? Did she just say 'dad'? She did not just call that man 'dad'.

Donovan's sinister smile raises the hairs on my neck. He actually looks his age, while Janet and Dad look younger. His eyes are a stomach-churning green. The facial hair covering his upper lip and jawline is salt-and-peppered.

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