Chapter Twenty

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Mia's POV

It's been three days since Sky went missing. Three days. And things haven't gotten easier.

On the first day, ninety percent of the town knew. Everyone at school confronted me, wondering what the hell happened.

"I don't know," I had replied to everyone's questions. If I had told them the truth, which was that my father had taken her hostage in attempt to get to me because he wants to use my powers to his advantage, most people would've filled out psych ward admission papers for me.

Alastair had printed the map out and over dinner--Alastair cooked--we discussed where my father could be keeping Sky. We eliminated the public places, such as City Hall, the library, the art museum, the Basilica of St. Lawrence, etc. There weren't many other places to look once we removed the main places, which made searching for her easier. Or so we thought.

After school the second day, Brayden and I teamed up while Mom and Alastair teamed up and from there, we split the possible locations in half. Four hours we spent looking for her and nothing. Not a single trace of her anywhere.

Today, we're just distraught. Every one of us. We've looked everywhere she could be. None of us have any more ideas on what we should do.

"You should eat, baby," Brayden whispers into my ear, his lips brushing against my earlobe. I wait for the shiver to run trough my body, like it usually does, but it doesn't.

I've felt nothing but pain and guilt.

I continue staring at the ceiling. "Not hungry," I say, monotone.

"You can't just not eat, Mia. You've barely left your room besides going to school and the bathroom. You have to eat something." He sits up in the bed so he can fully see my face. I don't look at him. "Please? For me?"

When I finally look at him, his lip is jutted out, his eyes sparkling like a puppy dog's. If I was in a better mood, my heart would be melting. Instead, it's turned to cold, hard stone, guarded by a wall that is far too sturdy to break and far too tall to get over.

When Brayden realizes I'm not going to change my mind, he stands up from the bed. I think he's going to walk out of my room, but then he walks to the side of the bed I'm lying on. He shoves his hands underneath my neck and knees, lifting me to my chest, and then carries me wedding style out of my room and into the kitchen. He sets me on the counter, turning toward the fridge.

From behind the refrigerator door, he lists, "I see apples, lunch meats, uh, some leftover pasta? I can make you a bowl of cere--"

"I'm not hungry, Brayden."

He shuts the refrigerator door and moves to the pantry. "Crackers? Cookies? C'mon you can't turn down cookies, Mia." He peeks his head out from behind the door. His eyebrow is cocked, expectantly. Neither of us moves or talks. We just stare at each other until Brayden rolls his eyes, giving up on me. "You're so stubborn."

"I get that a lot." I shrug my shoulders at him. He puts his body in between my legs dangling from the edge of the counter. His face is inches from mine.

Brayden's hands cup my face, making it impossible to look away from his very intense gaze. His tongue slides across his lips slowly, drawing my eyes straight to his lips. "What did I promise you the night I told you that I loved you?" he asks. The same night she went missing floats through my head like a banner attached to a blimp.

I close my eyes to hide myself from the look in his eyes and to ensure I don't cry for the millionth time in the last three days. My eyes have permanent bags under them and they're definitely not designer.

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