Chapter Nine

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Brayden's POV

"I knew you'd find me," Mia blurts once she stops a few feet away from me. My anger due to Adrian subsides as I digest what she actually said.

"Wait, what?"

"You're here because I saw the eyes, right?" Mia questions and my anger comes boiling right back up to the top.

Do I tell her that Adrian has been tapping into her mind? Do I tell her that the glowing eyes belong to the snake named Adrian? Do I tell her all of this so she finally will understand that he's dangerous? If I do tell her, will she even believe me?

"Brayden, you punched Adrian. Why?" Mia lowers her voice, like she's afraid someone might hear her, someone which most likely means The Snake.

I look over her shoulder towards the ice cream shop window to see Adrian smirking at me. His lip is busted, but not bleeding anymore, and his left cheek is a purplish color.

"I need you to come with me, Mia," I seethe and bring my gaze back down to her eyes. Compared to my 6'1 height, Mia's five foot only reaches the middle of my chest. If I pulled her into a hug, her head would press right against the fast beating of my heart...


"Why? Brayden, what's going on?"

"Trust me, Mia. Come with me."

Her fierce hazel eyes are burning into mine and I need to get her away from Adrian, now. I need her to understand that he's dangerous.

I need her to trust me.

She's silent for a few moments. "Please," I beg her.

She nods and fishes her hand into her pocket, coming up with her car keys. "My shift is at six. Do you want me to drive or do you want to?"

"You drive," I say without thinking.

I could have drove, but I'd rather have her behind the wheel than me, even if I do know my way around town.

I know every nook and cranny that has been seen by Mia Parker.

"This way." Mia begins to walk towards her candy red compact car and I follow behind her, pushing away the thought of her visits to the Humane Society every Saturday before her work shift.

What makes me happier than it should is the fact that she never once looks back toward the ice cream shop, not even when she pulls out of the parking lot.

I glance at her backseat, which is occupied by her backpack, a first aid kit, and the drawing of her from sixth period. My drawing.

She kept it.

"Who kept what?" Mia asks, curiosity coating her soft voice as she glances at me.

I said that out loud?

I cough, trying to swallow the lump in my throat that seems to form when she catches me off guard. "Uh... You kept my drawing of you."

I sit back in my seat, studying her while she looks at the road in front of her. She lets out a giggle and my heart skips a beat. "Of course I did." She smiles and my heart begins to ache. One car ride with her and I'm about to flat line right here in her passenger's seat. "Where at we going, by the way?"

I peel my eyes away from her to look out the windshield. We're stopped at a red light about five minutes away from our destination.

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