Chapter Twenty-Two

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Brayden's POV

I don't think I've ever dreaded the arrival of a day so much before today came around.

I've barely spent any time with Mia because she's been too busy up Adrian's freaking butt trying to get on his good side so that today could go as planned. She's been giggling at his lame jokes, letting him walk her to class and hold her backpack while doing it, giving him cheeky grins. I don't think she realizes who exactly she's supposed to be doing those things with.

The answer is her boyfriend. ME!

When I fell asleep last night, I had convinced myself that everything would be fine in the morning. I would wake up, shower, eat breakfast, walk to school, and find Mia as soon as I could.           

And for the most part, I did.

I had made it downstairs—showered and fully dressed—and into the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal when Dad rounded the corner from the hallway leading from the living room. A hesitant smile covers his face when I look over at him.

"What?" I growl as I pour Cocoa Puffs into my bowl.

He clears his throat. "Today's the day, huh?"

A disgusted laugh splutters from my mouth. "Maybe I'll actually get my girlfriend back."

I heard Dad sigh faintly. "You know, she's just doing this to draw him in, Brayden. She's not doing it to hurt you," he states, so confidently.

"That's not the impression I got every time she passed me in the hallway with her eyes on me but him by her side," I retort, anger and betrayal taking over my brain. I shove a spoonful of chocolatey goodness into my mouth to shut me up as I turn around and face Dad, who has taken a seat at the island.

"Okay... so maybe she is trying to spite you," Dad deadpanned.

"She's doing a hell of a good job at it." Another spoonful is shoveled into my mouth.

Dad knows that what Mia is doing is getting to the better part of me. He's noticed the way I've gone straight to my room and haven't come out until the next morning for breakfast. He's noticed how I haven't brought Mia home with me like usual. He's noticed that things have changed. And I really hope it's not permanent and I can tell Dad is hoping too.

"I gotta get going," I mumble after finishing my breakfast. "Let's hope she talks to me today." I flash a sarcastic smile at Dad before setting my bowl in the sink. Swiftly, I grab my backpack from the countertop where I set it down, threw Dad a quick good-bye, and walked out the front door.

It is colder than usual today and I can feel the wind nip at my flesh through the hoodie I'm wearing. I slip in my earbuds and crank up the volume as I walk down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. I press shuffle and offreakingcourse, Story of My Life begins to play.

Dear Karma, please explain what I've done so badly to deserve this.

What's even worst is that I don't skip the song; I listen to it. I revel in the melody, the lyrics, their voices, and the memory of the time I listened to the song with Mia. How she told me to listen to the lyrics and how I sang them wrong and made her practically bust a lung. And then the way she kissed me after the song had ended...

I press my thumb to the skip button before it gets to the chorus and another song plays instantly after it. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

When I had made it to school, I had my earbuds in still, the volume drowning out every thought. Mia's car was in the parking lot already which made me a little thankful because I wouldn't have to wait anxiously by her locker for her to show up. I push past couples and groups of friends, who I know are giving dirty looks at the back of my head as I walk away, and make a B-line for Mia.

Just pull her aside, Bray. Make her know she's your girl, dude. My conscience gives me a pep talk as I rounded the corner and stood in the hallway where Mia's locker was. My fist clenches at my side.

Between the hundreds of heads and bodies, I could see Adrian leaned up against the locker beside Mia's, his lips moving as he talked. Her head tosses back in laughter and I can feel the angry wall I have built up inside crack.

As I walk up to Mia, I get hit with a strong dose of deja' vu and suddenly feel like I should retreat and not ruin her moment. But Mia turns around just as I start to turn back and I freeze. I know I should walk away, I know I should, but with the way she's looking at me, her eyes doe-like and sparkling with amusement, I can't look away. She opens her mouth to say something but Adrian beats her to it.

"Is there a problem, Gray?" He raises his eyebrow mockingly and the smirk on his face just screams how-does-it-feel-to-be-on-the-bottom?

I shake my head, despite how badly I want to nod. "Nope," I say, popping the 'p.' "Just looking for my girlfriend, seems I can't find her." My eyes stay trained on Adrian, not Mia. Her mouth is hanging open and Adrian's eyebrows are crinkled in confusion. The look on his face gives away that Mia didn't drop that hint to Adrian.

I continue walking down the hallway, acting if Mia wasn't the whole reason I came down this hallway to begin with.


"What the hell was that about?" Mia grits through her teeth when she sits down in her seat beside mine. My head lolls to the side to look at her. Her gaze is murderous.

"What do you mean?" I play stupid. It irritates her already irritated state and I make the brave move of smiling at her.

I watch her chest rise and fall heavily. "Don't do this Brayden. Not here."

I can't tell if she's pleading or demanding. Either way, I don't oblige.

"Have you seen my girlfriend?" I ask her quietly, leaning closer to her. The smell of her hits me like a tsunami.

Her murderous glare goes from hurt to confused and then back to murderous all within two seconds. "Don't know." She shrugs, turning in her chair to face the front of the classroom. I don't think she's going to say anything else, but then, under her breath, she mumbles, "Maybe she's with my boyfriend."

And that's when the guilt kicks in. It burns in my throat, my chest, and my veins. Knowing Mia, she can probably already smell the fear seeping from my pores. Keep it together.


Sixth period was boring as hell.

Mia sat on the other side of the library where I couldn't see her and I knew if I confronted her in here, she would've yelled at me and got herself kicked out of the library. Since I know how much she loves this library, I left her be.

I don't know what her plan really is to get him into her car and my curiosity gets the best of me as I stand behind the oak tree in front of the school, watching as Mia waits by her car for Adrian.

When he shows up, she smiles up at him like he's God. I can't hear what he says, but she winks at him and turns for the driver's side of her car. He walks to the passenger's side, a smirk crossing his lips as he opens the door and climbs in.

Before Mia gets too far, I whisper Go the long way around to my house. I want to be there before you do and I have a fifteen minute walk ahead of me. Please. She doesn't answer back and I pray to god that she heard me.

And then I run like a bat out of hell.

A/N: Hi guys! If you liked this chapter, go ahead and feel free to leave a comment or vote! Stay in tune for another update VERY soon! ;)

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