Chapter Thirty-Two

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(A/N: Hi guys! Here's a chapter as a thank you for getting this book to #39 in Science Fiction!! You guys are so amazing and I can't thank you enough for supporting and reading this! This story is very important to me and I'm so glad I'm able to share it with you all! Now, here's a chapter from our lovely boy's POV 😉)

Brayden's POV

Today marks a week since that damned football game. Since I lost Dad. Since I lost Mia. Since we got back here.

It feels so much longer than a week.

I've spent more time in the training center than I have sleeping or eating. But, so has Mia.

She started Monday, whereas I came in Saturday night and have barely left. Mr. Steal Yo Girl has been helping her and by the way they look at each other, it's obvious that they have a thing.

While I've been mostly punching the crap out of a swinging punching bag, Mia has been picking things up and carefully setting them down repetitively. First, she started with a glass of water. She stood about two feet away from the table that had the glass and if she saw the water in the glass ripple even slightly, she set it back down and started again. Next was a gallon of milk, which she stood about five feet away from. She easily did this with ease and was quick to move onto something heavier.

Every day, she came into the training center at eight in the morning with something to pick up in her hands. AJ wouldn't join her right away, but he would come around nine-thirty. He always brought her something to eat, claiming that eating will give her the energy she needs to use her powers. All I could think was: that should be me.

As I throw an uppercut at a swinging punching bag, my eyes skirt across the room where digital clock is set above the doors. 7:58 AM. Mia will be here any minute.

My bare torso and face are dripping in sweat and droplets fling off my arms when I punch the bag again. Adrenaline masks the slight ache in my still recovering knuckles and I can't help but throw another punch.

The energy in the room shifts as Mia steps over the threshold. Her vanilla shampoo is so fragrant I can smell it from across the room.

She flinches at the loud sound of my punch against the bag. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her head turn to look at me.

"I didn't think anyone would be here," she says.

I press my hands to the swinging bag to stop it and glance at her. She's wearing those damn sweatpants that accent her curves and a plain white t-shirt. Her hair is up in one of her perfect messy buns. God, she's so beautiful.

My chest is rising and falling fast as my heart pounds underneath. At the sight of her or from punching, I have no clue.

"I've been here every day this week," I breathe out, leaning down to pick up my t-shirt and water bottle. Her eyes scan my bare chest and I can't stop the smirk forming on my lips.

She peels her eyes away from me before clearing her throat. "Can you put on a shirt or something?"

"Can you change out of those pants?" I retort. Two can play at this game, Parker.

Her eyes roll to the back of her head as she makes her way towards the mats where she's been practicing. She's empty-handed today.

"What are you practicing with today?" I ask, unraveling the white tape from around my hands.

She turns to look at me with a confused expression etched into her beautiful face. "Have you been watching me?"

Is she serious? Has she seen herself? Who wouldn't watch her?

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