Chapter Sixteen

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Mia's POV

I can't wrap my head around the fact that after twelve—almost thirteen—years, my father simply shows up out of nowhere. And, coincidentally, right after I discover a second power that I've obtained because of him.

There's no way that I believe the whole daddy-left-because-he-found-a-better-woman act anymore. There was not an accountant that took over my father's heart at a convention in Atlanta.

Instead, my mother was the one who moved away. According to her, she moved away to protect me from my father.

I don't believe that either.

The only way I'll believe what Mom has told me is if Dad's story matches it.

So, what do I do? Confront him.

"Yes, I'd like to speak with you. Alone," I state. I take note of Mom's gasp and Brayden's swearing under his breath. My father's smile grows at my words, but in a sick way that sends shivers down my spine. Was his smile always creepy?

"Mia, no," I hear Brayden mumble just as my father asks, "Where would you like to talk, baby girl?"

"My room. Now," I demand. Dad's eyes widen a little in adoration before returning to their normal size, the adoration never leaving. I turn to face Brayden, Alastair, and Mom, whose faces are all twisted in some type of angry expression. I raise one eyebrow in a challenging way, tempting all three of them to stop me from having a conversation with my father. What doesn't surprise me is Brayden's hand on my arm. He gets right up in my face, his lips blowing air right onto my forehead.

"Let me come with you." Brayden's deep voice rumbles through my chest and I have to force myself not to lift up on my tippy toes and kiss his lips. My heart skips a beat at the memory of him calling me "baby" minutes ago and how badly I want him to say it again. "Please, Mia." The plea in his voice weakens me. Keep it together, girl.

"I need to do this on my own, Bray." My voice is stone hard and I didn't mean for it to be. It just sort of came out that way.

One of my secret talents: hurting the people I care about, even when I don't mean to.

Case and point proven.

I can see the impact my words left on Brayden, whether he's allowing his emotions to show or not.

"I'm coming with you. I'm not letting you do this alone," Brayden says. I sigh. He's relentless.

"Brayden, I said I need to—"

"I don't care, Mia! I'm coming with you!" Brayden's voice rises. He's mere inches from my lips. One movement and they'll touch. I contemplate actually kissing him, until I realize that our parents are standing in the hallway with us. Talk about how awkward that would've been.

"Fine," I growl at him, pushing at his chest to put some distance between us. He takes a deep breath and faces toward Alastair and Mom. I turn to look at Dad, who's smile hasn't faltered whatsoever. "Ready?"

"More ready than I'll ever be," he says, cheerily. There's pep in his step as he takes a few steps toward us. I turn back to face Mom. Her face is full of terror, which makes my skin crawl like a million tiny bugs with a million tiny legs running all over my arms.

It doesn't work.

I raise my eyebrow at Mom, in a way that says "Are you going to stop me, or what?" Her eyes never leave Dad's and I watch as Alastair wraps his hand around her arm, pulling her to him. She leans into him, most likely, for support. Brayden's hand finds mine, squeezing hard. I squeeze back.

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